JR asked me to send this on to the list.


I truly appreciate those who have noted my absence with 
some regret, but as much as it's good to know, those 
threads have already stirred up some incidental ire... and 
caused Susan to accidentally post something out of the past 
fiasco she really did not intend to send to the group, which 
could cause more friction... not what is needed.
I am reading the Archives from time to time, just as I said I 
would -- and knowing what a big mouth I have, it's probably 
only a matter of time until I just can't resist joining in some 
discussion (something on topic, hopefully).  But for now I 
think it's best I continue to loll about on this beach with a 
frosty drink in my hand.  Somewhere in the time leading up 
to my self-incineration on MoPo I seem to have lost my 
sense of humor and now realize that must have contributed 
to what went down.
Sitting here now, watching the sun bake, I can see a dozen 
different and better ways I could have handled that 
situation... but at the time my emotional reaction to being 
officially branded a perpetrator in a flame war in which I 
didn't participate caused me to blow a fuse and I'm afraid I 
really came down on Scott, even if I did so in an accidental 
public posting of a message I meant to send privately to PJ.  
But you don't attack Scott Burns on MoPo any more than you 
stand up in Church and proclaim that Jesus was just a man.  
It's just not done.  I not only did that, but I made a bit of a fool 
out of myself in the process.  Somehow I took it all way too 
seriously, and that's not like me.
Then there was the flood of private hate mail that filled my 
inbox during the incident.  All those people are still on MoPo 
and perhaps my skin isn't quite as thick as I may have lead 
some to believe.  I'm not sure what I can say right now, 
knowing those people are out there and feel that way about 
me.  See what I mean?  I'm still taking things way too 
When I auctioned off MoviePosterBid I told people it was 
because I knew my life was going to become very busy 
shortly and I would not be able to give the site the time it 
needed.  That prediction has come to pass... a lot of stuff 
has been going on with me in out in the world lately and 
maybe that was reflected in the way I reacted.  Who can 
say?  I haven't sorted it out yet.
So for now this curmudgeon is going to continue mellow 
out... Woody Allen's observations on the process 
notwithstanding... order himself another round and watch the 
waves roll in.  But legend has it that no real movie poster 
collector ever truly kicks the habit.
-- JR

Craig Miller         Wolfmill Entertainment        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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