
Hah! Fat chance... you think I'm going to hustle over to your scam website where I wouldn't even have sniper capabilities? Why, everyone knows that snipers are the Buyer's Savior from the greed and chicanery of feelthy auctioneers... they are the great leveler of the playing field so that those who can afford to load their sniper guns with high-impact maximum bids can guarantee they will ambush and will blow away all other bidders behind the scenes in the last micro-second without those po' fools even knowing they've been shot!

But you, Mr. High and Mighty Hershenson, you would deny me my inalienable right to snipe? How dare you sir?

And what's with this extended bidding crap? You think you know better than a giant auction operation like Ebay or that utopia of consumer-friendly shopping, Heritage Auctions? They don't play around with time the way you do, oh no. Listen, you heretic, if someone places a bid with a robot during the last micro-second that person is morally entitled by God to win that auction and no other bidder should be allowed to interfere with that.

But clearly you think you know more than God! You have the effrontery to mess with mega-buck carefully-crafted strategies and actually *extend* the bidding time if a last-second bid is placed so that everyone else interested in that item actually has the opportunity to place another bid if they want -- just like they do in real live auctions? The nerve... this is the internet, mister, and don't you forget it. Go peddle your honesty, fair-minded technology and full disclosure somewhere else.

-- JR

Bruce Hershenson wrote:

Don't forget to check out our *899 one-sheets* on our website sometime *BEFORE* they end Tuesday, September 29th, (but you only have 13 hours left to do so, because they start ending at 7 PM CST *TONIGHT, so hustle over there right now!*) by going to **

And also be sure to check out our 222 *THURSDAY ITEMS (**999 lobby sets of 2-7, or 9 or more)* on our website sometime *BEFORE* they end Thursday, September 24th, beginning around 7 PM CST by going to **

And now you can browse the items in *ALL* of galleries at one time in our *All Auctions <>* gallery at **!

And you can always access our galleries by using the link from our homepage, * <>*.

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