Version 1.55 of tpsRelw has been uploaded to the server.


This version is available for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.
New features include Bookstein's (2015) suggestion of plotting the log of
the variance of the partial warps against the log their corresponding
bending energies (this seems quite useful and informative for my data). You
can now select subsets of landmarks. Problems with the display of equations
in prior versions has been fixed. Note: it is best to uninstall the old
version before installing the new version. Note that the executables have
the same names so both versions cannot be installed on the same computer
without some careful renaming of files.


Please let me know of any problems or additions that would be useful.



F. James Rohlf, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Stony Brook University

The much revised 4th editions of Biometry and Statistical Tables are now



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