[MORPHMET] How to include new specimens in TPSdig and information on EDMA software

2015-07-03 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Dear morphometricians

I have a couple of quite simple questions

1)  Once one has digitized a set on landmarks/semilandmarks in a series of
photographs it is possible to include new specimens?. I mean, if I have a
digitized dataset and I want to include new specimens it is possible?. I
tried but I only found the way to exclude specimens/individuals and/or
landmarks in TPSdig2 and TPSutil.

2) I want to know if there exists a new version of EDMA software. I want to
run analyses in EDMA but in PCs with updated versions of windows (7 and 8)
the old version of WindEDMA may present some incompatibilities.

thanks in advance


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[MORPHMET] Method to digitize 3D semilandmarks using microscribe

2016-01-11 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Dear all

Happy 2016!! I am conducting a geometric morphometric research to evaluate
the cranial and mandibular shape variation in a sample of modern humans. I
am using a microscribe digitizer. I would like to describe as best as
possible the shape variation so I am interested in 3D semilandmarks.  So I
want to know if somebody have used a semi or automated method to digitize
3D semilandmarks using a microscribe. Maddux and Franciscus 2009 J Hum Evol
56 161-174 describe a quite interesting method using a LCD projector and a
grid, however such method does not allow to digitize optimally the
semilandmarks along a curvature for instance the middle line of the cranial
vault from a lateral view or the complete vault in the same view. So if any
may share his/her own method I would be very gratefull. Thanks in advance



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[MORPHMET] 3D surface scanner information

2016-01-18 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Hello everyone

I am interested to obtain a 3D surface scanner which will be used to study
hominin teeth and skulls. Does anyone have any experience, suggestions
and/or recommendations?

For instance price, resolution, peformance, manipulation (portable)

thanks in advance


Miguel Delgado PhD
CONICET-División Antropología.
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo.
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Paseo del Bosque s/n. La Plata 1900. Argentina
Cel: 5492216795916. Fax: 54 221 4257527
E-mail: medelg...@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar

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Re: [MORPHMET] Mahalanobis distance in cluster analysis of shape variables

2016-01-31 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Usually researchers use small sample sizes for distinct reasons in my case
because I study archaeological and paleontological derived samples. The
practical problem mentioned by James could be partially solved correcting
the D2 distances for small sample size, that is, calculating an unbiased
Mahalanobis distance ∆2 following Marcus L. 1993. (Some aspects of
multivariate statistics for morphometrics. In: Marcus LF, Bello E,
García-Valdecasas A, editors. Contributions to morphometrics. Museo
Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. p 99-130).

On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 4:51 PM, F. James Rohlf <
f.james.ro...@stonybrook.edu> wrote:

> The distinction is that Mahalanobis distance should be thought of as a
> statistical distance. For a single variable it is like a z-score (a
> difference divided by a standard deviation). It is not a measure of the
> absolute amount of difference. In the multivariate case Mahalanobis
> distance is relative to the amount of the amount of variation in the
> direction of the difference (that is what taking into account within-group
> covariation gives you).
> Both Mahalanobis and Euclidean distances are valid. It depends on what you
> wish “distance” to mean. In morphometrics do you want to cluster based on
> how similar shapes are (in terms of  distance in Kendall shape space) or
> based on the degree of statistical overlap in population samples (e.g., the
> degree to which specimens from the two groups might be misidentified).
> A practical problem with Mahalanobis distance in many morphometric studies
> is that it requires large sample sizes within groups because landmark data
> is usually high dimensional and thus very large samples are needed for
> reliable results.
> F. James Rohlf, Distinguished Professor, Emeritus. Ecology & Evolution
> Research Professor, Anthropology
> Stony Brook University
> *From:* Elahep [mailto:ellie.parv...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:14 AM
> *Cc:* ellie.parv...@gmail.com; jkunk...@une.edu
> *Subject:* Re: [MORPHMET] Mahalanobis distance in cluster analysis of
> shape variables
> Dear Joseph,
> Thanks for your detailed explanation. As it is recommended by Claude in
> "morphometrics with R" (2008) it's better to use the Mahalanobis distance
> for clustering group means, because this will be scaled by the within-group
> variance-covariance. In my analysis, I calculated the mean value of
> relative warp scores for each population and then carried out a UPGMA
> cluster analysis based on the Euclidian distance and results were
> satisfying for me and they were congruent with my other results. According
> to the book and other articles I ran the same analysis but based on the
> Mahalanobis distance in PAST software, but unfortunately whenever I ran the
> analysis the software error "Invalid floating point operation" appeared!!
> so I couldn't see the Mahalanobis's cluster!! (I couldn't realize why this
> error happens)
> Euclidian distance worked for me, but I was just curious to understand if
> my analyses is statistically meaningful!!
> Thanks again for your answer,
> Elahe
> On Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 5:12:46 PM UTC+3:30, Joseph Kunkel wrote:
> I can not speak directly to why it is frequently used in GM cluster
> analysis but I would like to mention how I look at Mahalanobis distance
> based on its calculation.
> Mahalanobis distance is not a pure distance metric like Euclidian or
> Manhattan distance, as you have stated it is ‘standardized’.  What doe that
> really mean?  It sounds supeficially good.
> One way of computing it is to rotate the k-landmark data set to simplest
> form treating the landmarks as factors.  This way would consider all
> landmarks to have a common covariance structure in XY or XYZ in three
> dimensions.  That is a already a streetch, since not all landmarks can be
> assumed to have the same covariance structure.  In addition the landmarks
> have all been already centered about their centroid and rotated to
> coincide, which has eliminated a dgeree of freedom of variability that can
> have consequences.
> Furthermore not all species landmarks can be expected to have the same
> covariance structure, which is an assumption made in the ordinary
> Mahalanobis distance application to strut analysis between populations or
> species.  The assumption of similar data structure of course applies to the
> null hypothesis where there is no difference.  The typical statistical test
> explodes when the null hypothesis is falsified so just when you want the
> Mahalanobis distance metric to be accurate it starts misbehaving.
> After rotation to simplest axes one does an 1 df F-test between each of
> the landmarks.  These tests are all independent so they can be summed
> together to produce a k df F-test which is Mahalonobis D squared.So
> Mahalonobis D is the square root of the sum of i

Re: [MORPHMET] Mahalanobis distance in cluster analysis of shape variables

2016-01-31 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Yes, my suggestion was not on the problem of Elahep in itself but to which
you mentioned with regard to the distance D2 and sample sizes.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 3:14 PM, F. James Rohlf <
f.james.ro...@stonybrook.edu> wrote:

> I am sorry but that does not fix the problem. The problem is that
> Mahalanobis distance is not defined (and thus cannot even be calculated) if
> the within-group covariance matrix is singular – which it must be if its
> number of degrees of freedom is less than the number of shape variables.
> Even if the sample sizes were somewhat larger there would still be a
> problem as the coefficient is very sensitive to chance unless the sample
> sizes are much larger.
> Note that one uses the within-group covariance matrix not the overall
> covariance matrix. This also reveals the problem that for the distance to
> be very meaningful one assumes that the covariances matrices are
> homogeneous across groups. Often unlikely to be true in many studies.
> Rather disappointing as there are many situations in which one would like
> to use that coefficient. An ad hoc solution that is often used  is to just
> use the first few PCA axes as the shape variables. Of course one might then
> miss more subtle differences among groups if they do not account for a
> relatively large proportion of the total variance.
> F. James Rohlf, Distinguished Professor, Emeritus. Ecology & Evolution
> Research Professor, Anthropology
> Stony Brook University
> *From:* Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano [mailto:mdelgadoburb...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Sunday, January 31, 2016 3:35 AM
> *To:* f.james.ro...@stonybrook.edu
> *Cc:* Elahep ; MORPHMET <
> morphmet@morphometrics.org>; jkunk...@une.edu
> *Subject:* Re: [MORPHMET] Mahalanobis distance in cluster analysis of
> shape variables
> Usually researchers use small sample sizes for distinct reasons in my case
> because I study archaeological and paleontological derived samples. The
> practical problem mentioned by James could be partially solved correcting
> the D2 distances for small sample size, that is, calculating an unbiased
> Mahalanobis distance ∆2 following Marcus L. 1993. (Some aspects of
> multivariate statistics for morphometrics. In: Marcus LF, Bello E,
> García-Valdecasas A, editors. Contributions to morphometrics. Museo
> Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. p 99-130).
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 4:51 PM, F. James Rohlf <
> f.james.ro...@stonybrook.edu> wrote:
> The distinction is that Mahalanobis distance should be thought of as a
> statistical distance. For a single variable it is like a z-score (a
> difference divided by a standard deviation). It is not a measure of the
> absolute amount of difference. In the multivariate case Mahalanobis
> distance is relative to the amount of the amount of variation in the
> direction of the difference (that is what taking into account within-group
> covariation gives you).
> Both Mahalanobis and Euclidean distances are valid. It depends on what you
> wish “distance” to mean. In morphometrics do you want to cluster based on
> how similar shapes are (in terms of  distance in Kendall shape space) or
> based on the degree of statistical overlap in population samples (e.g., the
> degree to which specimens from the two groups might be misidentified).
> A practical problem with Mahalanobis distance in many morphometric studies
> is that it requires large sample sizes within groups because landmark data
> is usually high dimensional and thus very large samples are needed for
> reliable results.
> F. James Rohlf, Distinguished Professor, Emeritus. Ecology & Evolution
> Research Professor, Anthropology
> Stony Brook University
> *From:* Elahep [mailto:ellie.parv...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 30, 2016 7:14 AM
> *Cc:* ellie.parv...@gmail.com; jkunk...@une.edu
> *Subject:* Re: [MORPHMET] Mahalanobis distance in cluster analysis of
> shape variables
> Dear Joseph,
> Thanks for your detailed explanation. As it is recommended by Claude in
> "morphometrics with R" (2008) it's better to use the Mahalanobis distance
> for clustering group means, because this will be scaled by the within-group
> variance-covariance. In my analysis, I calculated the mean value of
> relative warp scores for each population and then carried out a UPGMA
> cluster analysis based on the Euclidian distance and results were
> satisfying for me and they were congruent with my othe

[MORPHMET] Software to join multiple slices derived from Computer Tomography

2016-02-17 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Dear All

I recently obtained several CT scans from hominin crania. I used 3DSlicer
4.5 to robtain 3d meshes of such crania. However I noted that in my
database there are two kinds fo files. One of them have a .hdr extension
which can be succesfully loaded into 3DSlicer which alllowed to obtain 3D
meshes.  The other type of file contains multiple slices (with extension
.DCM) which when they were loaded individually in 3DSlicer did not allowed
to reconstruct the 3D model. It may be necessary to edit (i.e.join) slices
before I can load into 3DSlicer, Someone knows what procedure should I use
to join the slices? Any suggestions of some software or tips on how to get
the 3D model from those slices?

Thanks in advance


Miguel Delgado PhD
CONICET-División Antropología.
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo.
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Paseo del Bosque s/n. La Plata 1900. Argentina
Cel: 5492216795916. Fax: 54 221 4257527
E-mail: medelg...@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar

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[MORPHMET] New publication in geometric morphometrics

2016-11-01 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Dear morphometricians,

Here I notify you about one of my recent papers on geometric morphometrics
that could be of interest to some members of the community

Delgado ME 2016. Holocene population history of the Sabana de Bogotá
region, Northern South America: An assessment of the craniofacial shape
variation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. DOI:10.1002/ajpa.23124


PD: I can send a pdf reprint upon request

Best regards,


Miguel Delgado PhD
CONICET-División Antropología.
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo.
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Paseo del Bosque s/n. La Plata 1900. Argentina
Cel: 5492216795916. Fax: 54 221 4257527
E-mail: medelg...@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar

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[MORPHMET] Portable 3D scanner suggetsions

2017-01-19 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Dear all

 I am planning to obtain 3D surface models from different museum
colletions, so I need a 3D portable hardware  (and associated software).
Does anyone have suggestions of models and prices they would recommend?

best regards


Miguel Delgado PhD
CONICET-División Antropología.
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo.
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Paseo del Bosque s/n. La Plata 1900. Argentina
Cel: 5492216795916. Fax: 54 221 4257527
E-mail: medelg...@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar

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Re: [MORPHMET] Portable 3D scanner suggetsions

2017-01-24 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Dear Ariadne and Thomas

Thank you so much for your suggestions.

I  have actually a 3D surface David SLS-3 scanner, however its use is
almost restricted to the desktop, so is diffcult to transport that hardware
to museum collections. Thomas do you have some experience with the scanners
that you mention? I am interested to scan hominin and hominoid mandibles
and skulls. From some colleagues from France I know that some Artec series
produce some errors in images derived from osseous structures. Thank you
again for your help


On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 4:37 PM, Thomas O'Mahoney 

> Dear Miguel,
> This was discussed a few months ago. The popular models at the moment are
> the LMI HDi series and the Artec Spider and Eva series. All start at around
> $15k, depending on what you buy. All give very good data and all have very
> well written software, much of which can also be scripted for
> post-processing.
> Best,
> Tom O'Mahoney
> PhD Candidate, University of Manchester.
> On 19 January 2017 at 14:06, Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano <
> mdelgadoburb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all
>>  I am planning to obtain 3D surface models from different museum
>> colletions, so I need a 3D portable hardware  (and associated software).
>> Does anyone have suggestions of models and prices they would recommend?
>> best regards
>> Miguel
>> --
>> *
>> Miguel Delgado PhD
>> CONICET-División Antropología.
>> Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo.
>> Universidad Nacional de La Plata
>> Paseo del Bosque s/n. La Plata 1900. Argentina
>> Cel: 5492216795916. Fax: 54 221 4257527
>> https://unlp.academia.edu/DelgadoMiguel
>> http://www.cearqueologia.com.ar/
>> E-mail: medelg...@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
>> *
>> --
>> MORPHMET may be accessed via its webpage at http://www.morphometrics.org
>> ---
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>> "MORPHMET" group.
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Miguel Delgado PhD
CONICET-División Antropología.
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo.
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Paseo del Bosque s/n. La Plata 1900. Argentina
Cel: 5492216795916. Fax: 54 221 4257527
E-mail: medelg...@fcnym.unlp.edu.ar

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Re: [MORPHMET] New publication - measurement error

2017-10-08 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Thanks Carmelo you address a very important issue in 3D geometric


El 8/10/2017 11:19 p. m., "Carmelo Fruciano"  escribió:

> Dear all,
> perhaps this new publication of mine (on measurement error) could be of
> interest to some people in the list.
> http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.3256/full
> Best,
> Carmelo
> ==
> Carmelo Fruciano
> School of Earth, Environmental & Biological Sciences
> Queensland University of Technology
> + 61 7 3138 84467
> --
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[MORPHMET] Script to read Avizo landmarks and B-splines

2019-04-14 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Dear All,

I'm using landmarks (.ladmarkAscii) and B-splines (.am) derived from Avizo
(Standard Edition 7.1.0). I have used previously the Arothron and Nat
packages to load landmarks derived from Amira into the R console. Now using
the Avizo files such packages do not seem to work. Somebody has a script to
read Avizo files in R or know a way to succesfully load such files into the
R console? Thanks for any suggestion

All best,


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Re: [MORPHMET] Script to read Avizo landmarks and B-splines

2019-04-14 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Dear Murat and Antonio,

Thanks for your fast response. Of course Murat here I attach the
corresponding files (they derived from Avizo not from Amira)

Antonio yes I tried to use the Arothron function read.amira.set () but the
following error appeared: argument "nland" is missing, with no default.

Here I attach three files one is Landmarks_LLM1_landmarksAscii (landmarks
from a human lower molar) and one B-spline in Avizo binary (*.am) format
and the same file in Avizo ascii (*.am) format
(zan0084_manleft_mirrored_01_curve_LM1.am and

Thanks for your help

All best,

El lun., 15 de abr. de 2019 8:15 a. m., Murat Maga  escribió:

> Dear Antonio and Miguel,
> Would it be possible to share those files with me as well? I would like to
> implement a way to import Amira landmark files into our SlicerMorph
> package, but we don’t have any to play with.
> Best,
> M
> *From:* Antonio Profico 
> *Sent:* Sunday, April 14, 2019 4:35 PM
> *To:* Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano 
> *Cc:* MORPHMET ;
> morphmet-requ...@morphometrics.org
> *Subject:* Re: [MORPHMET] Script to read Avizo landmarks and B-splines
> Hi Miguel,
> please send me the two files from Avizo (.ladmarkAscii) and B-splines
> (.am).
> Are you sure that read.amira.set() doesn't work with the .landmarkAscii
> files from Avizo?
> I'll add these two functions in Arothron and before to submit the new
> release to the CRAN I'll send them to you.
> Best,
> Antonio
> Il giorno lun 15 apr 2019 alle ore 01:26 Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano <
> mdelgadoburb...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Dear All,
> I'm using landmarks (.ladmarkAscii) and B-splines (.am) derived from Avizo
> (Standard Edition 7.1.0). I have used previously the Arothron and Nat
> packages to load landmarks derived from Amira into the R console. Now
> using the Avizo files such packages do not seem to work. Somebody has a
> script to read Avizo files in R or know a way to succesfully load such
> files into the R console? Thanks for any suggestion
> All best,
> Miguel
> --
> MORPHMET may be accessed via its webpage at http://www.morphometrics.org
> ---
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> --
> __
> Antonio Profico
> PhD
> Department of Environmental Biology – Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale
> SAPIENZA Università di Roma
> MicroWeaR mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/microwear
> Subscription: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/microwear/join
> Arothron mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/arothron
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/microwear>
> Subscription: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/arothron/join
> Lab.  06 4991 2690
> Mob. 3293440766
> --
> MORPHMET may be accessed via its webpage at http://www.morphometrics.org
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# Avizo 3D ASCII 2.0

define Markers 11

Parameters {
Color "1.0.9",
NumSets 1,
ContentType "LandmarkSet"

Markers { float[3] Coordinates } @1

# Data section follows
1.069824981689453e+002 3.230857086181641e+001 7.741726684570313e+001 
1.067253570556641e+002 3.117101860046387e+001 7.906603240966797e+001 
1.071337509155273e+002 3.062068939208984e+001 8.174322509765625e+001 
1.044278793334961e+002 3.029200363159180e+001 8.385526275634766e+001 
1.035018234252930e+002 3.330528259277344e+001 8.359550476074219e+001 
1.009194259643555e+002 3.421195983886719e+001 8.097939300537109e+001 
1.022753219604492e+002 3.590150451660156e+001 7.821498870849609e+001 
1.029237899780273e+002 3.457044982910156e+001 7.538016510009766e+001 
1.053571166992188e+002 3.398883819580078e+001 7.497612762451172e+001 
1.059745407104492e+002 3.266828918457031e+001 7.570597839355469e+001 
1.031460418701172e+002 3.211197

Re: [MORPHMET] Script to read Avizo landmarks and B-splines

2019-04-15 Thread Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano
Dear Antonio,

Thank you very much for your functions. All of them work very well. I
realized that a simple modification of the function read.landmarks from the
nat package allows load into the R console Avizo Landmarks in ascii format
but not semilandmark curves. Again thanks for your kind help.

All best,


El lun., 15 de abr. de 2019 5:46 p. m., Antonio Profico <
antonio.prof...@uniroma1.it> escribió:

> Hi Miguel,
> thanks for sending me the example files. You can use the existing
> functions embedded in Arothron:
> library(Arothron)
> land.set<-"landmarksfromAvizo"
> set<-read.amira.set(land.set,"auto") #this is an array
> bspline<-"bsplinefromAvizo"
> set_2<-read.amira.set(bspline,"auto") #this is an array
> LineSet<-"linesetfromAvizo"
> curve_temp<-read.path.amira(LineSet) #this is a data.frame
> curve<-as.matrix(curve_temp)
> library(Morpho)
> #sample evenly spaced points (10 in this case) along "curve"
> ev.sp.points<-equidistantCurve(curve,10)
> Best,
> Antonio
> Il giorno lun 15 apr 2019 alle ore 01:35 Antonio Profico <
> antonio.prof...@uniroma1.it> ha scritto:
>> Hi Miguel,
>> please send me the two files from Avizo (.ladmarkAscii) and B-splines
>> (.am).
>> Are you sure that read.amira.set() doesn't work with the .landmarkAscii
>> files from Avizo?
>> I'll add these two functions in Arothron and before to submit the new
>> release to the CRAN I'll send them to you.
>> Best,
>> Antonio
>> Il giorno lun 15 apr 2019 alle ore 01:26 Miguel Eduardo Delgado Burbano <
>> mdelgadoburb...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I'm using landmarks (.ladmarkAscii) and B-splines (.am) derived from
>>> Avizo (Standard Edition 7.1.0). I have used previously the Arothron and Nat
>>> packages to load landmarks derived from Amira into the R console. Now
>>> using the Avizo files such packages do not seem to work. Somebody has a
>>> script to read Avizo files in R or know a way to succesfully load such
>>> files into the R console? Thanks for any suggestion
>>> All best,
>>> Miguel
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>> __
>> Antonio Profico
>> PhD
>> Department of Environmental Biology – Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale
>> SAPIENZA Università di Roma
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>> Lab.  06 4991 2690
>> Mob. 3293440766
> --
> __
> Antonio Profico
> PhD
> Department of Environmental Biology – Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale
> SAPIENZA Università di Roma
> MicroWeaR mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/microwear
> Subscription: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/microwear/join
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> Lab.  06 4991 2690
> Mob. 3293440766

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