Dear colleagues,   
   Registration is open for the workshop "3D GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRICS - 5th 
edition". Instructor: Dr. Melissa Tallman (Grand Valley State University, USA). 
      DATES: May 4-8, 2015.      
      PLACE:  Facilities of the Centre of Restauració i Interpretació 
Paleontologica, Els Hostalets de Pierola,  Barcelona (Spain).      
      Course Website:
      The workshop is entitled to teach the main concepts of shape analysis 
based on three-dimensional landmark        coordinates. In this workshop we you 
will learn to manipulate 3D models and use them to collect landmark        
data, take measurements, and to quantify and visualize the main differences in 
-Data Acquisition.
 -Using a microscribe. Collecting CT scans & Surface Scans: Demonstration of 
Stratovan Checkpoint.
 -Brief Review of Fundamentals of Morphometrics: How to choose landmarks.  
Generalized Procrustes Analysis. Other types of alignment.
 -Processing Microscribe data: Using DVLR to merge two views. Using resample to 
resample a line.
 -Using Landmark Editor to collect data on surfaces. Discussion and 
demonstration of sliding semi-landmarks. How to do a precision test on 3D data.
 -Data exploration: PCA analyses: Using Morphologika. Using MorphoJ.
 -Visualizing shape change: Using MorphoJ in conjunction with Landmark Editor. 
Making calculations and visualizing vector displacements in Morpheus. GPAing 
with missing data using Morpheus.       

-Data interpretations: Using mean configurations (PAST) and Procrustes 
distances: Minimum spanning trees, Variability within a sample (comparing 
fossil distributions to extant distributions).
 -Data exploration: PLS analyses, Phylogeny and Allometry.
 Programs that we will use:
 - Inscribe, Stratovan Checkpoint, DVLR, Resample, Landmark Editor, 
Morphologika,MorphoJ, Morpheus, PAST. 
      Please feel free to distribute this information between your colleagues 
if you consider it appropriate.     
      With best regards     
Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno, PhD.

Researcher at the Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP)

Edifici Z -ICTA-ICP-  C/ de les Columnes s/n.
Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès. Spain 

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