-------- Original Message --------
Subject: PhD in morphological evolution
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 05:35:58 -0400
From: coue...@mnhn.fr
To: morphmet@morphometrics.org

You'll find below a PhD subject proposed to the Ecole Pratique des
Hautes Etudes (France)

The subject (and ONE applicant) will be proposed to the EPHE, examined
and the applicant will be interviewed in order to get the fellowship.
Interviws are planned on July  4th and 5th in Paris. For further
informations, please go to the EPHE website:

Applicants must contact Pr.Sophie Montuire
(sophie.montu...@u-bourgogne.fr) before june 20th  2012.
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes PhD

Section of Life and Earth sciences

Title: Evolutionary novelties and emergence of dental phenotypes in Mammals.

Host laboratory: EPHE Paléobiodiversité et évolution – UMR 6282 Biogéosciences

Laboratory address:

UMR 6282 uB/CNRS – Biogéosciences
Phone / Fax

6 bd Gabriel, 2100 Dijon, FRANCE                     +333 80 39 63 47
/ +333 80 39 63 87

PhD supervisors:

Names: Montuire Sophie, Couette Sébastien, Navarro Nicolas

Address: UMR 6282 uB/CNRS Biogéosciences, 6 bd Gabriel, 2100 Dijon,
FRANCE       Téléphone /Fax

+333 80 39 63 47 / +333 80 39 63 87

Emails : sophie.montu...@u-bourgogne.fr,
sebastien.coue...@u-bourgogne.fr, nicolas.nava...@u-bourgogne.fr

Descriptions and objectives

Background –

Mammals display a high dental diversity in terms of number and
complexity of teeth. This diversity attests of the influence of
several parameters including diet and suggests a mammalian morphospace
on which shape changes are possible in every direction. However,
morphological changes within lineages seem to be constrained.
Developmental processes producing the phenotypic expression of genetic
variation are under natural selection. Favouring or limiting some
directions of change in the morphospace, these processes will modify
the evolutionary capacity on the short and long time scales. These
constraints can influence the diversity of a clade (at a
macroevolutionay level), forcing the accumulation of new species in
one peculiar direction of the morphospace. In the dental raw the
eruption of teeth follows an iterative developmental model in which
interactions between teeth are controlled and lead to a final dental
phenotype. Within teeth themselves, interactions occur between cusps
following the same iterations and defining tooth morphology (number,
position and shape of cusps). Some recent works showed that small
modifications of cusp interactions can imply large modifications at
the tooth scale, and for instance the development of new cusps.

Objectives – This subject will focus on two different mammal groups
(rodents and primates) at different scales (population, lineages,
clades). Complementary approaches will be addressed by both groups.
Rodents display a reduced variation of the dental formula but a high
diversity of molar form. In primates, the major part of variation
occurs on the number of teeth and number of cusps on each tooth rather
than on their shape. The main goal of this project is to understand
the cusp interactions and their consequences on dental formula and
teeth complexity (gains or losses of cusps and teeth). These
variations of complexity will be analysed in the historic and
evolutionary frameworks of the groups, and of the biotic (size, diet…)
and abiotic parameters.

National and international context– The « EPHE -Paléobiodiversité et
évolution » and « UMR uB/CNRS 6282 Biogéosciences » laboratories have
national and international recognition for their knowledge and skills
in form analysis. The evolution of dental morphology in rodents and
especially Arvicolinae is an historic and major topic of the EPHE
laboratory since it establishment. These last years, people from the
laboratory developed international collaborations on Evo-Devo themes
on teeth.

Sébastien Couette
Maitre de Conférences
Laboratoire EPHE d'Evolution des Primates
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
Département Histoire de la Terre
Centre de Recherche sur la Paléobiodiversité et les Paléoenvironnements (CR2P)
8, rue Buffon CP 38
F-75231 Paris cedex 05
Tel.: (+33) 1 40793061

Attachment: PhD proposal.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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