
You can calculate Procrustes distance between any two configuration using the 
procdist() function of the shapes package.


From: lv xiao []
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2018 5:37 PM
Subject: [MORPHMET] DA value calculation

Dear all,

Question 1: If I have a set of specimens which are object symmetry, how could I 
calculate directional asymmetry (DA) score for this set of specimen? I noted 
that after using bilat.symm function in geomorph, DA.component could be 
extracted, which contains two sets of coordinates. I guess DA score of the 
sample could be calculated from DA.component, can anyone show me the code 
necessary to derive DA score, whether in geomorph or any other software?

Question 2: A possibly related question is how (appreciated if R code is 
provided) to obtain the Procrustes distance between two specimens after GPA. I 
think I can calculate the Procrustes distance between the original and 
reflected and relabled mirrors for each specimen and averaging the Procrustes 
distance across all specimens to obtain DA score for my entire sample.

Question3: A third question which is unrelated to the previous two is that I 
noted that Procrustes Variance is used in Morphol.disparity function to compare 
morphological disparity across groups. Procrustes Variance is explained in the 
user manual as "the sum of the diagonal elements of the group covariance 
matrix." But where can I find some more detailed mathematical definition of 
Procrustes Variance?

Thank you very much for your help!

Best regards,
Patrick Wen
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