[Added to the Announcements page at www.morphometrics.org -the morphmet moderator (dslice)]

Remembrances of Robert Sokal

Save the date: Sunday November 18, 2-4 P.M., Wang Center Chapel at Stony Brook University

Robert Sokal passed away last April and his funeral and memorial service were completed quickly in accordance with his faith. Because of his great impact as a beloved friend, mentor, scholar, and university citizen we would like to give Bob’s family, friends, and colleagues an opportunity to remember him at a public memorial, open to all who wish to remember fondly his many contributions to our lives.

We ask that you register at the link given below as soon as possible so we can get an idea of how many will attend. We ask especially that you indicate whether you would like to speak, send text for a brief remembrance, or even a brief video (less than one minute, please).

We look forward to your response,
Jim Rohlf and Jeff Levinton


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