Dear Maria,
I will complement the excellent answer given by Murat by saying that you can use Morpho also to import dta files produced by Landmark Editor using the function read.lmdta (thus avoiding using read.table) The code below should do the trick of converting a dta file for use in MorphoJ


# Import dta file
r2morphoj(Data$arr, file="Data.txt")
# Export in a format compatible with MorphoJ

I hope this helps,

On 09/10/2018 21:27, Maria Gracia Salamanca Garcia wrote:
Dear morphometricians,

I am doing geometric morphometric analysis to 3D scans (more than 100 scans), 
and I am using Landmark Editor. I have already placed all the landmarks in the 
same order and did all the correspondences.

However, I am unable to export the data to MorphoJ. The software shows me a 
window that says 'The selected measures have inconsistent correspondences to 
the atlas', and then collapses.

I redid all the correspondences, tried different arrangements, but it keeps 

I am trying to export from ply to NTsys file.

Does someone knows how to fix this error or which is my mistake?

Thank you very much!


Carmelo Fruciano
Institute of Biology
Ecole Normale Superieure - Paris

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