Dear all,

we are offering the 2th edition of the course "Getting started with R".

Instructor: * Dr. Alexandre Courtiol * (Leibniz Institute for Zoo and 
Wildlife Research, Berlin (Germany))

Dates: June 18th-22nd 

Place: BGBM, Freie University, Berlin (Germany)

Course overview

R is the statistical software the most used in the world. It is extremely 
powerful, free of charge and open source. Despite these benefits, many 
avoid R, or struggle with it, as writing computer code to do any operation 
-- a requirement in R -- is at first both difficult and intimidating. 
This course aims at overcoming those challenges by providing solid basics 
in R. At the end of the course, participants should feel much more at ease 
writing a computer script in the R language which covers the entire 
spectrum of a statistical analysis: reading data, editing them, plotting 
them, and analysing them. Because linear models are the dominant 
statistical tool in many fields, the part of the course focusing on 
analyses per se (see schedule) will focus on those, but principles seen 
during the class should greatly help those interested in other kind of 
analyses as well. The course will be presented over five days and will mix 
explanations and guided exercises. Students are free to practice with their 
own datasets during the course.

For more information, please visit our website:

Best regards,



*Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D*

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

Twitter: @physacourses

mobile: +49 15771084054!forum/physalia-courses

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