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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Connecting a pi zero camera (MrDave)
   2. Re: Motion crashing regularly (Ian Smith)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2023 17:05:09 -0700
From: MrDave <>
Subject: Re: [Motion-user] Connecting a pi zero camera
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

This was a recent discussion on the PI camera and Motionplus.

On 11/8/2023 4:21 PM, Bill Morrow via Motion-user wrote:
> Just yesterday, I got mediamtx working on my Pi Zero.
> GitHub - bluenviron/mediamtx: Ready-to-use SRT / WebRTC / RTSP / RTMP 
> / LL-HLS media server and media proxy that allows to read, publish, 
> proxy and record video and audio streams. 
> <>
> Use the mediamtx_v1.2.1_linux_armv6.tar.gz executable. I did not try 
> building from source.
> vlc would not connect to the rtsp stream, although apparently that's a 
> vlc problem.
> I haven't integrated with motion yet, but anticipate no problems. LOL
> On Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 06:42:19 p.m. AST, David Powell 
> <> wrote:
> I haven't seen any RTSP software for the Pi Zero camera.? All I've 
> ever seen is I believe for MJpeg. It seems to work well but mine quit 
> working after a while and I haven't been able to bring it back to life.
> dp
> On 11/8/23 3:56 PM, via prenestina wrote:
> Hello to everybody,
> I have installed motionplus on my ubuntu machine and I also set up a 
> PI zero2W with the camera.
> How can I configure the camera? as a network camera? RTSP?
> I could not find examples on the Internet for an easy setup.
> Thank you
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> -- 
> When I purchase a food item at the supermarket, I can be confident that the 
> label will state how much riboflavin is in it. The United States government 
> requires this, and for a good reason, which is: I have no idea. I don't even 
> know what riboflavin is. I do know I eat a lot of it. For example, I often 
> start the day with a hearty Kellogg's strawberry Pop-Tart, which has, 
> according to the label, a riboflavin rating of 10 percent. I assume this 
> means that 10 percent of the Pop-Tart is riboflavin. Maybe it's the red stuff 
> in the middle. Anyway, I'm hoping riboflavin is a good thing; if it turns out 
> that it's a bad thing, like "riboflavin" is the Latin word for "cockroach 
> pus," then I am definitely in trouble.  -- Dave Barry
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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 09:22:17 +0000
From: Ian Smith <>
To: Barry Martin <>,
Subject: Re: [Motion-user] Motion crashing regularly
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Dear All,

Many thanks indeed for all your help.

Having disabled the USB camera from Motion, Motion has not crashed since.

The camera works fine with e.g. Cheese and VLC, and I would argue that 
Motion (and it seems to be one library) crashes - presumably - on 
receipt of corrupt or malformed data should not cause a crash, so I feel 
this is a "feature" that should be changed so it doesn't cause a crash!

My thanks again,

Kind Regards,

On 24/10/2023 23:25, Barry Martin wrote:
> Hi Ian!
>> Many thanks for your help.
>> I am wondering if the issue is relating to the USB camera.
>> Today, Motion crashed several times, and then I removed that camera 
>> from the config file, and since then there hasn't been an issue.
>> I am not convinced that is the issue, as Motion shouldn't crash due 
>> to a camera.
> Glad to help -- agree on the "shouldn't" but also know anything is 
> going to fail:: can't foresee all the problems.? Also have to remember 
> we're using a utility maintained by a few people, not 
> hundreds/thousands like Microsoft and Linux.? (toslara, etc., that's 
> supposed to read as a compliment.)
> The good news is you have found the USB is a potential problem -- glad 
> I included my little story of my faulty USB extension cables.? My 
> Raspberry Pi's were frequently going off-line/gray screen.? I had 
> replaced the micro-SD cards, the software, wall warts (they're on a 
> UPS; I had also learned around that time RPi's prefer 5.1v as opposed 
> to 5.0 volts and a charger isn't a suitable substitute), the RPi's 
> themselves.? Basically everything except the cameras and extension 
> cables.
> If you do replace your USB camera I have had good luck with ELP brand 
> (Amazon and
> Barry
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