Went out again and saw some more beasties for my list including a few  

Swainson's Thrush (yes I am sure they are not Hermit's or vice versa -  
thanks Alyssa)
Northern Waterthrush
Great views of a LeConte's Sparrow


5 Cape May Warblers
Close-close ups of Chestnut-sided Warblers
Many Wilson's Warbler
3 Red-Breasted Grosbeaks (1 male with 2 females - even I thought he  
was attractive!)
Many Common Yellowthroats
Several Blackburnian Warblers
Cooper's Hawk tail sticking out of nest with other adult bird in  
obvious wing molt of a couple of primaries
Great Crested Flycatcher liking my window view insects

Just a great, great day to share with my sweetie who is has gone  
birding for 4 years for a total of 6-7 times and she is seeing stuff  
that is lifer material for me.  Nice to be able to share.

Thomas Maiello
Angel Environmental Management, Inc.
Maple Grove, MN

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