Got in a wonderful birding hike in the early spring snow at Martin's Meadow
Nature Preserve in Andover.  Saw a number of fast-moving FOY Golden Crowned
Kinglets feeding with a couple of Yellow Rumped Warblers.  Saw a very
cooperative FOY Hermit Thrush and Flicker as well as White Breasted
Nuthatch.   A  feeding flock of Robins rose to the trees as I worked to
spot the singing Cardinal behind them.  Heard lots of Jays and a Wood
Duck.  As I departed east on Anoka CR 7 in a cornfield to its south, I
found a Horned Lark, Trumpeter Swans, Canada Geese, a couple of Mallards
and, at the field's far wooded edge along with a number of deer, at least
three Sandhill Cranes.

Keith Carlson

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