August has always been one of my favorite birding months, not only for warbler 
but observing the day to day changes in bird numbers.   I always know it's fall 
when many of the local summer breeders seemingly disappear.   This past month 
has been my best August for warbler numbers over the past 10 years.     While 
some warbler species did arrive slightly earlier than normal(though not 
outrageously so), the relatively high number of migrants arriving by the 
17th-20th was more surprising to me.   Besides warbler, the most common migrant 
were Least Flycatcher and Red-eyed Vireo.    Other migrant flycatcher are 
always hit and miss for me during the fall(usually more miss).   This past 
month was little better than I have come to expect of August for Olive-sided 
and Alder Flycatcher.     While I saw 2 Yellow-bellied Flycatchers this past 
month, I have low expectations for that species in both the spring and fall 
here.   I usually go into a season hoping to see 1 and any more are a bonus.    
I saw 1 Philadelphia Vireo on August 29 at the arboretum and saw single 
Swainson's Thrush on the 27th and 29th both at the arboretum.  For the month I 
saw 133 species with duck and shorebird species lacking(no surprise).   The 
best single day single location species day was August 30 at Rapids Lake MVNWR 
with 71 species(72 if including an unidentified tern).   The best single day 
species total at the arboretum was 55 on August 29.  Below are warbler stats 
for the month.

Warbler species seen per day

August 6- 5
August 7- 4
August 10- 6
August 11- 9
August 12- 6
August 14- 7
August 15- 4
August 16- 8
August 17- 9
August 18- 14
August 19- 14
August 20- 13
August 21- 13
August 22- 13
August 23- 10
August 24- 11
August 25- 14
August 26- 15
August 27- 12
August 28- 8
August 29- 15
August 30- 16
August 31- 11

Cumulative warbler totals for the month

American Redstart 194
Common Yellowthroat 192
Chestnut-sided Warbler 122 (has surpassed my previous high spring/fall 
cumulative season total)
Tennessee Warbler 106
Nashville Warbler 80
Black-and-white Warbler 54
Northern Waterthrush 39
Golden-winged Warbler 36 (has surpassed my previous high spring/fall cumulative 
season total)
Yellow Warbler 36
Canada Warbler 35
Magnolia Warbler 33
Blackburnian Warbler 23
Wilson's Warbler 20
Ovenbird 19
Mourning Warbler 12
Blue-winged Warbler 5
Bay-breasted Warbler 3
Northern Parula 2
Brewster's Warbler 1
Prothonotary Warbler 1
Cape May Warbler 1
Pine Warbler 1
Black-throated Green Warbler 1

John Cyrus

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