As reported last Friday, the highlight of the Yellow Medicine Co portion of the 
Minn Birding Weekend (MBW) was the waterfowl concentration at Miedd Lake. Part 
of the MBW group also rechecked the lake Sunday afternoon, and the Ross’s 
Geese, Tundra Swans, and other waterfowl were still mostly present, although it 
appeared that more than half of Friday’s estimated 2,800 Gr White-fronted Geese 
had departed. (Several flocks of Gr White-fronteds were seen migrating the next 
two days north of here, especially over Salt Lake in Lac Qui Parle Co on Sunday 
morning.) The highlight at Miedd Lake on Sunday was the group of 5 Baird’s 
Sandpipers at the SE corner of the lake.

Other highlights from this past weekend….

- Both shrike species on Saturday afternoon: the Loggerhead along Swift Co Rd 
51, 1.5 mi W of Appleton (this species has nested in this area in recent 
years); the Northern in Lac Qui Parle Co along 330th St just E of Hwy 119. (I 
can remember seeing both shrikes on the same day only once or twice before.)

- Sunday's concentration of an estimated 2,200 Canvasbacks on Bolland Slough in 
SW Lac Qui Parle Co (located on CR 12, 1/2 mi W of CR 9).

- An early Yellow-headed Blackbird on Sunday just W of the Dawson sewage ponds, 
Lac Qui Parle Co.

Kim Eckert, Duluth     

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