A Spotted Towhee was located along the Lost Pond Trail at the Minnesota 
Landscape Arboretum this morning.    As you are heading east(from the loop 
drive/building area) where the Ridge Trail splits from the Lost Pond Trail, 
follow the trail through a wooded area and past the pond(and a trail that goes 
left) and into another wooded area.  Continue past 3 wooden posts on the left(a 
closed trail), and follow the trail as it follows the edge of a marshy area.   
Around a bend and just before you get to a stand of pine, the Spotted Towhee 
was located in the dense thickets on the marsh side of the trail.  Other birds 
seen this morning at the arboretum included Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, 
Eastern Phoebe(2), Blue-headed Vireo, Tree Swallow (~10), Golden-crowned 
Kinglet(4), Ruby-crowned Kinglet(13), Orange-crowned Warbler(4), Nashville 
Warbler(3), Yellow-rumped Warbler(15), Fox Sparrow(2), Song Sparrow(many), 
Lincoln's Sparrow(5), Swamp Sparrow(5+), White-throated Sparrow (40+), 
White-crowned Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco(3), and Purple Finch.

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