Along with Linda Sparling & later Susan Schumacher,  we relocated the *Cinnamon
Teal* first found by John Cyrus in the same flooded field SOUTH of the farm,
as mentioned by Bob Dunlap.

The bird was hanging in and out of the grasses along with Blue & Green
winged teal.

Since the field is west of the road, late afternoon viewing is difficult.  A
scope is required.

Also present were

*Bonapartes Gulls* - numerous -at least 40
*Ring-billed Gulls* - less than a dozen
*Lesser & Greater Yellowlegs*
*Wilsons Snipe*

In the nearby plowed field were

*Rusty Blackbirds* - several breeding males and one 1st year bird.

Thanks for the note to the list John & Bob.

Non-birding find:  *Raccoon* out foraging in cornfield.


Jim Ryan
Saint Paul's Westside
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and
beauty of the biotic community" - Aldo Leopold

"Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient
premises." - Samuel Butler

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