Because nothing has been posted yet about what species of note were seen on 
these 3 CBCs, and because visiting birders might be interested in looking for 
them, here's a brief summary for some of these (and please note I did not see 
many of them). Although I went on all 3 CBCs, there may have been some other 
reports that came in later in the day I'm unaware of; for these, compilers Jim 
Lind and Sparky Stensaas might update the following or eventually provide a 
more complete summary of their CBCs....

Duluth CBC, Dec 14:

King Eider - the female found Dec 12 was still present Dec 14 but not reported 
White-winged Scoter - the pair found Dec 12 was still present (the female 
Barrow's Goldeneye seen Dec 12-13 was not found on the CBC) 
Long-tailed Duck - 7800 block of Scenic 61
Thayer's and Great Black-backed gulls - a few at Canal Park
Glaucous Gull - only 1 at Canal Park (but no Icelands) 
Snowy Owl - Port Terminal at dawn (but no other northern owls)
(Bohemian Waxwing - 0)
Pine Grosbeak - only 1 (and no Evening Grosbeaks)
crossbill, sp. - only 2 or 3 isolated fly-bys (but no redpolls - first time 
missed since 1992)

Sax-Zim Bog CBC, Dec 20:

Sharp-tailed Grouse - Stickney Rd, just N of Arkola Rd
Northern Hawk Owl - McDavitt Rd, 3.7 mi N of Sax Rd; and Owl Ave, 1 mi S of 
Great Gray Owl - McDavitt Rd, 3.3 mi N of Sax Rd
Black-backed Woodpecker - McDavitt Rd, 2.5 N of Sax Rd
Boreal Chickadee - 5 on McDavitt Rd, 3.3 mi N of Sax Rd; also 3 at Admiral Rd 
(Bohemian Waxwing - 0)
Pine Grosbeak - only 1 near Cotton
mixed crossbill flock - Poplar Rd, ? S of Arkola (but no redpolls)
Evening Grosbeak - feeder on Nichols Lake Rd, 2.3 mi W of Hwy 53

Two Harbors CBC, Dec 21:

Long-tailed Duck - 2 at Agate Bay, and 2 at Stoney Pt
Northern Hawk Owl - CR 2, ~1/2 mi N of Hwy 61; and Stanley Rd, just E of St 
Louis-Lake Co line
Great Gray Owl - Stanley Rd, just E of St Louis-Lake Co line
(Bohemian Waxwing - 0)
Pine Grosbeak - a few at feeders (but no crossbills or redpolls)
Evening Grosbeak - feeder on Holm Rd, NW of Two Harbors off CR 12 (don't know 
location of feeder)

Hope this helps.  -Kim

Kim R Eckert, Duluth

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