Hi everyone, I really appreciate the advice and feedback I've received, as
well as the offers to help directly. I think I responded to everyone but if
I did not, my apologies; I meant to. And I may have responded to some of
you more than once. :)

Here is a compendium of advice that I thought I would share as it was all

Top recommendation was to try the Halo. Options for this vary and you can
find them on YouTube and others, but they range from purchasing one
directly, drilling holes into a dome feeder to hang the monofilament tied
to washers. I would also recommend people to use an old lamp shade wire. If
you don't have any yourself take a look in the alley or at a Goodwill, or
you can buy them sometimes at hardware stores or of course online. Also I
have a lot of fishing wire of the wrong size, so if anyone nearby would
like some, please let me know.

Second was to change seed types. This is been challenging-futile in the
past, but I think what I'm going to try is a fully separate feeder in the
yard with millet for the sparrows. As opposed to my main feeders I will put
this one way out in the open so it's easy access for the hawks.  ;D

And finally I also received both advice and offers to help dispose of the
sparrows. I really appreciate that and may follow up with you should my
other options fail.

Stay safe!


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