Hi All,

Friends of Sax-Zim Bog & Hawk Ridge had a joint bioblitz this year.
The Bog to Ridge BioBlitz IV netted over 420 species! (374 at Sax-Zim Bog)

Over 40 folks turn up amazing bog biodiversity!

NINETY NEW SPECIES added to the Sax-Zim Bog composite list on Saturday July 16th


Our Saturday July 16 Bog Bioblitz drew over 40 folks on an absolutely gorgeous 
day! Highlights included 5 singing male White-winged Crossbills on McDavitt, a 
Black-backed Woodpecker on McDavitt, Gray Fox (Sparky), Bobcat (Norma 
Malinowski), Clinton found two new fish species for the Bog including Golden 
Shiner, Pinesap discovered at Cotton School Forest along with many orchids 
Malaxis uniflora, 100,000 Xyris montana plants (Minnesota Special Concern 
species), 28 species of butterflies including Baltimore Checkerspot and Bog 
Copper, Purple Fringed Orchid, Ragged Fringed Orchid, a first Bog record of 
Marsh Grass-of-Parnassus, 21 species of dragonflies, Sparky found a 
Broad-winged Hawk nest with two young, 2 FIRST STATE RECORD SPIDERS and more 
cool stuff….Details, more photos and a complete species list to follow in our 
e-Newsletter (next week). Thanks to all our leaders and participants! See you 
again next summer!

On Sunday the 17th we had the “Ridge” part of the bioblitz at Hawk Ridge. 75 
new species were added to the Hawk Ridge composite species list. Check out 
www.hawkridge.org for more details.

The field trips tallied a total of 374 species of organisms (a bit less than 
last year) but we added an impressive 90 (!) species to the Composite Sax-Zim 
Bog List:

23 species of moths (20 NEW…thanks to Kristina Dexter and Clinton Nienhaus)

10 species of mammal (1 NEW…Bobcat seen by Norma Malinowski; also Gray Fox 
(Sparky), Striped Skunk (Jessica Dexter), Coyote, Snowshoe Hare, Franklin’s 
Ground Squirrel)

16 species of trees and shrubs (5 NEW…several willow species added by Kelly 

4 species of reptiles and amphibians (Mink Frogs calling, Garter Snake, Wood 

85 species of birds (White-winged Crossbills, Black-billed Cuckoo, Black-backed 
Woodpecker, Broad-winged Hawk nest with 2 young, Sandhill Crane, 10 species of 
warbler, etc)

22 species of odonata (5 NEW…Williamson’s Emerald, Stream Cruiser, Northern 
Spreadwing, Sweetflag Spreadwing and Stream Bluet)

90 species of wildflowers (9 NEW…Pinesap, Marsh Grass-of-Parnassus, Pipsissewa, 

29 species of butterflies (5 NEW…Purplish Copper, Question Mark, Common 
Ringlet, etc)

28 species of grasses, rushes, sedges (8 NEW…Arrow Grass, Rough-leaved 
Ricegrass, Drooping Woodreed, etc)

5 species of fish (2 NEW…Golden Shiner, Fathead Minnow)

1 species of crustacean (1 NEW…Northern Crayfish)

27 species of spider (17 NEW…Tuft-legged Orbweaver, Splendid Dwarf Spider, 
White-banded Crab Spider)

4 species of lichen (2 NEW…Green Reindeer Lichen, Alternating Dog Lichen)

7 species of fern (1 NEW…Spinulose Shield Fern)

6 species of clubmoss (4 NEW…Bristly Clubmoss, Running Clubmoss, Shining 
Clubmoss, etc)

2 species of moss (2 NEW…Magellanic Bogmoss, Polytrichium moss)

2 species of horsetail

1 species of grape fern (1 NEW…Leathery Grapefern)

3 species of bumble bees (2 NEW…Fernald Cuckoo Bumble Bee, Indiscriminate 
Cuckoo Bumble Bee)

2 species of ladybird beetle (2 NEW…Seven-spotted Ladybird Beetle, Asian 
Multicolored Ladybird Beetle)

4 species of other insects (3 NEW…Phantom Cranefly, Woolly Aphid, Scorpionfly)

Sparky Stensaas
2515 Garthus Road
Wrenshall MN 55797

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