This afternoon I found a Louisiana Waterthrush at Seven-Mile Creek County Park in Nicollet County. The bird was foraging along the creek at the end of the park road just past the parking lot and near the first bridge. I first heard a sharp "smack" call note; thinking it was a Northern, I was very surprised to find a Louisiana. I followed the bird as it worked the edge of the water and eventually flew upstream and out of sight.

The shorebird spot one mile north of the town of Nicollet on the east side of Hwy. 111 has a bit more water than the last week due to this week's rains (~1.5 inches) and thus currently less mudflats are exposed. Without rain in the next few days this will improve. Today there were a few shorebirds present however, including Lesser Yellowlegs, Semipalmated Plover, and a pair of Wilson's Phalarope.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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