Hello birders!
Don't forget! There are some great organized birding events this
weekend! Sharpen
your skills and enjoy the comaraderie of birding with other birders!

Following the Saint John's University Birding Day


The MOU will be holding a birding trip in Stearns County looking for spring
migrants and early season nesters. With all the exciting casual  and
accidental species spotted so far this spring, who knows what they'll find!

This birding tour will be led by Bob Russell, Marco Restani, Milt Blomberg.
They will be visiting spots in the Avon Hills and Albany WTP following

As always, MOU affiliated afternoon field trip is free of charge. Car
pooling and chipping in for gas are encouraged.

To join this trip show up at 1:30 p.m., gathering in front of the SJU
Library across from the Abbey Church.


Jim Ryan
Saint Paul's Westside
One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between Man and
Nature shall not be broken. -* Leo Tolstoy*

A well governed appetite is the greater part of liberty. - *Lucius Annaeus

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