Hello Birders!

This is a Tuesday trip, June 11th.

Your guide will be Bob Holtz

The trip will begin at 8am and last until about 11am.

Don't miss your opportunity to see inside AHATS (the old arsenal area). It
is a great field trip site and is rarely open to the public. Its habitat
includes open water with marsh, wooded areas and grasslands and rolling

This is a walking tour with little shade. Come prepared for a hike out in
the open.

Species we will likely find include Common Loon, Osprey, Wild Turkey,
several woodpecker species, a few sparrow species, including nesting
Grasshopper Sparrows, Trumpeter Swans, Eastern Kingbird and Bank Swallow,
among others.

The site, is just off MN Hwy 96 between 35W and Lexington Ave. Go north on
Hamline Ave. a few hundred feet to the first gate on the right. Just inside
the gate there will be parking space.

The group will be limited to 16. To sign up, contact trip leader Bob Holtz
at bobholt...@comcast.net. Heavy rain, but not a mist, will cancel the


Jim Ryan
MOU Field Trip Chair
There has been a tremendous renaissance in nature study in recent years; it
has been called a form of escapism, and perhaps it is in a way, but not an
escape from reality; but rather, a return to reality; a flight from unreal
things. - *Roger Tory Peterson*

Birdwatchers, whether they are princes, tycoons, housewives or kids, they
tend to be a bit more civilized, a bit more aware, than most
non-watchers. *-Roger
Tory Peterson*

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