I have been birding in Minnesota now for about 4 years and this seems to be by 
far the worst warbler migration I've seen here. It's strange because I've 
actually seem tons of Yellow Warblers and Common Yellowthroats. I have also 
seen some Redstarts and heard some Tennessees and other than that a few 
Yellow-rumped and Palm Warblers and that's it! I don't think I've seen a single 
Nashville, Black and White, Waterthrush, or Ovenbird, not to mention all of the 
less common species that should still be around in smaller numbers. I have been 
out several times in the last few weeks and don't know where the warblers are.


Also went to Lake Byllesby tonight and saw more shorebirds in one spot than 
ever before in Minnesota (probably over 200). They were pretty far out so a bit 
difficult to ID and we probably missed some species but from what I was able to 
observe there were:


Dunlin- Many

Least- Tons

Short-billed Dowitcher- A beautiful flock

Pectoral- Many

Lesser Yellowlegs- Many

Semipalmated Plover- Many

Spotted Sandpiper- Some


I also swear that I saw a Hudsonian Godwit flyover with other medium sized 
shorebirds just as I was leaving. It had the definitive black and white 
underwing pattern. It is possible that the bird was a Willet but the other 
characteristics looked more like a godwit (it was getting dark and was flying 
so it wasn't the perfect view). This bird obviously won't go on my life list 
but I think I now have a new "nemesis" species. Both times I have gone for the 
Hudsonian Godwit at Byllesby this year it was seen the day before and I also 
missed them at the Salt Lake Bird Festival (no one saw them there this year).


Good Birding,


Jason Caddy

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 
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