Yesterday I received word that Molly Hoffman of Grand Marais recently died. For 
many years, Molly and her husband Ken had been the most active birders in the 
Grand Marais area, the first ones birders would contact for information on bird 
sightings there, and they would always alert MN birders promptly when unusual 
species were seen. Among their accomplishments were finding the first state 
records of Rock Ptarmigan in 1996 and Slaty-backed Gull in 2006, and in 1991 
they were the first to identify the Fieldfare and Anna’s Hummingbird (also 
first MN records) found by others in 1991. At this time I have no further 
information about Molly's death, and I thank Dave Benson and Ann Russ for 
passing on this sad news.  –Kim Eckert, Duluth

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