The Minn Birding Weekends group found a minimum of 4,000 Purple Martins this 
morning concentrated on the utility wires at the Morris sewage ponds. This was 
a careful and conservative estimate based on some us doing counts in increments 
of 100. Also here was a great study of all 4 regular peeps: White-rumped (a 
rarity in fall), Baird's, Semipalmated, Least. They were literally side-by-side 
for several minutes only about 25-30 feet away in excellent light. 

Also during the past few days in the counties in the Morris area were a total 
of 15 shorebird species (no concentrations or large mudflats found - N Ottawa 
impoundment in Grant Co was disappointing), E Screech-Owl on 270 St just W of 
Stevens CR 7, Olive-sided Flycatcher at Bonanza Grove in Big Stone Co, but 
relatively few migrant passerines (e.g., only 10 warbler species in 3 days).

We were unable to relocate the ibis I saw in Traverse Co on Thursday. But some 
of us did see the Blue Grosbeak(s) today in Swift Co on 200th Ave SW, 0.4 mi N 
of Hwy 59.

Kim Eckert 
Duluth MN

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