Since the December 29 Duluth RBA, there have been few postings on mou-net about 
the winter specialties of Duluth and elsewhere in NE Minnesota. True, there may 
be birding information on various Facebook pages, private text messages, and 
other means, but such reports (which often omit specific locations) may be 
difficult or unavailable for many birders to access. 

Accordingly, here's what I've been aware of through this past weekend, but 
please note that other birders deserve credit for finding most of these, are 
probably more informed about some of these species than I am, and any 
corrections/updates they can provide to this summary would be welcome. Keep in 
mind as well that the strong cold front that blew in last Saturday and is still 
with us may change the status of some species. Hope this helps....

Harlequin Duck - no recent reports (last reported in Duluth Dec 9)

Common Eider - still present at Canal Park in Duluth, at least as of Jan 3; a 
few wintering N Pintails and a hybrid Com Goldeneye x Hooded Merganser are also 

Spruce Grouse - no reports from usual Lake Co sites since Dec 11

Sharp-tailed Grouse - inconsistent sightings at a few locations in Sax-Zim Bog, 
most notably 9 individuals on Jan 2 at a feeder (!) on CR 29, 2.2 mi N of CR 133

N Goshawk - a few sightings at random locations in Sax-Zim Bog (and elsewhere)

gulls - Thayer's and Glaucous still present at Canal Park in Duluth; Iceland 
(last reported Dec 28) and Great Black-backed (reported Jan 4 & 6 after a 
4-week absence) also possible 

Snowy Owl - only sporadically on the Duluth side of the Duluth-Superior, and 
best looked for in Superior, WI (along 28th St by the high school, along 
Hammond Ave S of 28th St by the Middle School, and along Tower Ave from the 
airport N to 28th St); none apparently reported elsewhere in NE Minn

N Hawk Owl - as others have reported, 2 individuals present as of last weekend 
along Jean Duluth Rd just NE of Duluth: 1 just S of Beyer Rd (4 mi N of 
Glenwood St), and 1 just N of Kelly J's Sewing (4.3 mi N of Beyer Rd); only 
recent sighting in Sax-Zim area was last week along Hwy 53, ~3 mi S of CR 133

Great Gray Owl - only recent reports from Sax-Zim, especially along McDavitt Rd 
(2.5 - 3.5 mi N of Sax Rd) and Admiral Rd (3 - 5 mi N of Sax Rd); hardly any 
reports elsewhere

Boreal Owl - no reports all season (which is normal)

Am Three-toed Woodpecker - ditto

Black-backed Woodpecker - seen last weekend in Sax-Zim along McDavitt Rd (2.5 - 
3.0 mi N of Sax Rd) and Admiral Rd (3.7 mi N of Sax Rd); hardly any reports 
elsewhere, except 4 on Jan 3 Isabella CBC

Peregrine Falcon - sporadically in the Port Terminal area of Duluth, most 
recently Jan 3 (and no Gyrfalcon reports all season, which is normal) 

Northern Shrike, Gray Jay, Black-billed Magpie - usual few at random locations 
in Sax-Zim (and elsewhere, except for magpies) 

Boreal Chickadee - as in past winters, most consistent at Admiral Rd suet 
feeders in Sax-Zim (3.9 mi N of Sax Rd), especially if peanut butter is 
available (OK to bring your own); also a record number (43) on Jan 3 Isabella 

Townsend's Solitaire and Varied Thrush - no recent reports

Bohemian Waxwing - almost non-existent in NE Minn; only recent report from NE 
of Duluth along W Knife River Rd (from Hwy 61, go 5.5 mi N on Homestead Rd to 
the T, then ~1 mi W)

Snow Bunting - inconsistent along CR 7 in Sax-Zim; few reports elsewhere

Golden-crowned Sparrow - still present at 4401 Regent St in Duluth, at least as 
of Jan 4, and probably most consistent at dawn (~7:30-7:45 am); as others have 
reported, please watch the feeder from the sidewalk or no closer than the 
corner of the front porch

Pine Grosbeak - only a few reports from random locations, except more common in 
central Lake Co (~100 on Jan 3 Isabella CBC)  

Red and White-winged crossbills - even fewer reports from random locations and 
easily missed

Common and Hoary redpolls - good redpoll numbers this winter; recent Hoary 
sites include Loretta's feeders in Sax-Zim Bog (0.5 mi E of CR 7 on 
Kelsey-Whiteface Rd), and the waxwing area on W Knife River Rd (see above)   

Evening Grosbeak - as others have reported, best looked for in Sax-Zim at Mary 
Jo's feeders on CR 444 (1 mi W & 1/2 mi N of jct of CRs 27 and 5), and the 
Morse feeders on Blue Spruce Rd (1 mi N from CR 133); few reports elsewhere

Kim R Eckert, Duluth

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