On Fri, Sat, and Sun mornings, I volunteered on a Spruce Grouse survey
based out of Norris Camp in Lake of the Woods County.  Unfortunately, the
areas I surveyed resulted in "no detection", but I did manage to find a
Spruce Grouse on Thursday evening before starting the surveys and because
the surveys were conducted very early in the morning, I had all afternoon
to bird some areas in northwest Minnesota.  Here are some of the
highlights, aside from the great species diversity I found:

4/19 - Lake of the Woods County
Red Crossbills - a small flock flew over Norris Camp (also had a lone
individual fly over this morning along Butterfield Rd near the Beaver Dam
Tundra Swans - at least 200 along with many species of ducks at the rice
paddies along Hwy 72 just north of CR 1 (there today as well)
Short-eared Owl - 2 of them along the Norris-Roosevelt Rd at Winter Road
Lake Peatland SNA
Spruce Grouse - hen just east of Norris Camp at the bend on the Butterfield
Rd at Nick Maude

4/20 - Roseau County
Red Crossbill - flyover at River Forest Rd near Hayes Lake SP
Greater White-fronted Goose - 5 at Nereson WMA, 1 at Roseau sewage ponds
(w/many species of ducks and 2 Cackling Geese)
Snow Bunting - 6 at Roseau sewage ponds
Marbled Godwit - ~dozen at Greenbush sewage ponds and Roseau sewage ponds
(also at Lake Bronson sewage ponds in Kittson County)

4/21 - Lake of the Woods County
Northern Saw-whet Owl - singing well before sunrise at the Spruce Grouse
spot above, probably the same individual heard singing from Norris Camp
that evening
Snow Bunting - lone individual on Roosevelt Rd (also a lone Snow Bunting in
Beltrami County along Hwy 89)

4/21 - Marshall County
Marbled Godwits - 3 along 131 north of Agassiz NWR (Agassiz was not worth
visiting at all--virtually every gate was locked [disappointing!] and the
pools visible from CR 7 had few birds)
Franklin's Gulls - though I saw these in other locations, the hundreds of
them--along with some Ring-billeds--landing in tight flocks on various
parts of CR 49 NW of Thief Lake was amazing
Tundra Swans -  saw them at every stop along Thief Lake
Peregrine Falcon - watched it nab a yellowlegs along the access road where
the Thief River exits Thief Lake just north of the Sanctuary HQ
Numerous kinglets of both species along with other passerines - fun to
watch such a large group in the spruces at the Thief Lake HQ taking refuge
from the high winds and sporadic cold rain

Shawn Conrad

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