Paul Egeland, Esther Gesick and I spent the weekend in Yellow Medicine, Lac Qui 
Parle and part of Chippewa county. Some highlights:

Spotted Towhee located in the eastern half of the Lac Qui Parle county park on 
Saturday. This park also held many of the usual sparrows, kinglets and late 
season warblers. 

A single Snow Goose and Red-necked Phalarope at the Dawson sewage ponds.

Four species of geese including 39 White-fronted, two Ross's and a handful of 
Cackling at the Clarkfield sewage ponds.

Miedd Lake in Yellow Medicine county was still hosting shorebirds including 
both Yellowlegs, Dunlin and Dowitchers (too distant and silent to make a 
positive I.d, but probably Long-billed) along with several hundred ducks, 
mostly Green-winged Teal. 


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