Hi all,

All the feeding stations are now up and running in the Sax-Zim Bog.

The Friends of Sax-Zim Bog Welcome Center will open on Saturday Dec 13th and 
will be open 7 days a week from 10am-3pm until mid March (except Dec 25 and 
possibly 1-1)

Friends of Sax-Zim Bog will be having a field trip on Sun. Dec 7th in the Bog. 
10am-sunset. $20 to non-members, Free to members (those who have donated more 
than $20 in the last 12 months) Details under the "field trips" tab at 

Join the Friends of Facebook page for updates on sightings and events.

Great Gray Owls are being seen fairly regularly at dawn and dusk. These are 
likely resident birds with no sign of an irruption. Check Kolu, McDavitt, 
Admiral and Nichols Lk Rds.

One N Hawk Owl was seen weeks ago but no sign of any others.

Winter finches include many redpolls (mainly away from feeders but some at 
feeders), Pine Siskins, Purple Finches, Pine Grosbeaks (not plentiful but 
there) and Evening Grosbeaks (check Mary Lou's feeders on CR444.

Rough-legged Hawks are fairly rare this winter.


Sax Zim Bog Report 12/02/14

Brrrr it's been cold out lately with the temperatures dipping down to -40 
degrees Fahrenheit with the windchill. I really enjoy the cold days though 
because thats when the bird feeders are the most active and the owls generally 
stay out longer.

Great Gray Owls are still being seen regularly along McDavitt Rd with sometimes 
up to 5 individual birds out at a time. They are also being found on Admiral 
Rd, Kolu Rd and Nichols Lake Rd. On my way home in the evenings I have been 
seeing a few great gray owls on Hwy 27 and Hwy 5 but these birds are not easy 
to observe due to the traffic on the roads and no shoulders to pull off onto. 
If you do cut across Hwy 27 to Mary Lou's feeders, keep your eyes peeled and 
your likely to spot a great gray. On Sunday I saw a Northern Hawk Owl fly 
across Hwy 7 by the intersection of Hwy 7 and Fermoy Rd which is a few miles 
north of Zim Rd. It has not been relocated since.Terry Crayne found a snowy owl 
on November 26th near the bog. With the exception of last year, snowy owls 
generally do not over winter in the Sax-Zim Bog , however a few are usually 
found each year as they pass through.

Rough legged hawks are still present and can be found in the more open grassy 
areas along with northern shrikes. Hwy 7, Stone Lake Rd and Sax Rd are good 
places to find them. I found a couple of sharp tail grouse in Meadowlands on 
Cnty Rd 29 this week too. There are some deer scaps someone dumped on the south 
end of Admiral Rd that are attracting magpies.

A moose has been spotted on Hwy 7 a couple times this week, plus I ran into a 
mink, a fox and a coyote but they all escaped from getting their pictures taken.

Feeding Station Updates.

The Kelsey Bird Feeding Station is a must stop. They have created a unique 
birding trail that the birds really flock too. So far the birds being observed 
there are purple finches, red polls, pine siskins, evening grosbeaks, black 
billed magpie, pileated woodpecker and all the other common feeder birds.

The Admiral Rd feeding station has been up for about a week now and is being 
visited by boreal chickadees and gray jays. They both love peanut butter and 
appreciate it if you put some out for them. There is also a male black backed 
woodpecker being seen south of the feeders, listen carefully for tapping and 
his calls.

The Morses feeders so far have been pretty slow, but they generally attract 
winter finches each year so make sure to stop and check them out.

Abraham's feeders are not up yet.

Mary Lou's feeders are the best spot to see evening grosbeaks still.

Friends of Sax-Zim Bog feeders are the visitor center are busy with purple 
finches, red polls and pine siskins. Right now they are probably the most 
active feeders for the smaller finches in the bog. A few pine grosbeaks are 
also visiting them.

There is a NEW birding feeding station on the east side of Owl Avenue. It's 
located 1/10 mile south of Arkola Rd. So far the only birds observed there have 
been gray jays, but hopefully it will also attract pine grosbeaks and boreal 
chickadees like the feeder on Arkola Rd used too. It is adjacent to the same 
stretch of bog as the Arkola feeder, but will have far less traffic on the road.

When visiting the feeders along roads or viewing owls, please do not block 
traffic. Everyone should park to one side so residents can get through. Also be 
careful of the shoulders, its easy to get stuck.

For a map to all the feeders click here:

There is a field trip planned for December 7th by Friends of the Sax-Zim Bog. 
Visit their page to sign up. www.saxzim.org/

Sparky Stensaas
2515 Garthus Road
Wrenshall MN 55797

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