Massive numbers of birds continue to move down the North
Shore, as counted by Cory Ritter and myself for Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory.
Normally we are lucky enough to have one or two days of “mass migration” when
thousands and thousands of birds invade our counting space, but this year we
have already had six such events, including today. Today’s flight may have been
the largest yet, since although “only” 15,974 birds were counted, this flight
appeared to occur over a very large front, with thousands of birds moving
inland from shore as the sun rose, and thousands more moving well inland from
Hawk Ridge. In the last four days, we have counted 47,564 migrating
non-raptors! (which brings the season total to 185,771 non-raptors). Although
these flights continue to be dominated by warblers (19,539 in the last four
days), today’s highlight was a super flight of American Goldfinches, with 3,585
counted, nearly all of which were counted from the apartment at the mouth of
the Lester River (season total now 7994 goldfinches). The previous high counts
for this species in Minnesota were 1323 on 13 September 2012 and 877 on 18
September 2010, both at the same Lester River location. It will be interesting
to see how many more goldfinches continue during this season’s flight. Raptor
flights have also been very strong the last two days, with many early season
species such as Ospreys, Sharp-shinned Hawks, and American Kestrels moving by
in peak numbers despite the October date. Daily updates of these raptor and
non-raptor counts can be seen from the link on the Hawk Ridge website at

Karl Bardon
Duluth, MN

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