Yesterday (Saturday) in the early morning mists we had five teams out
checking on Sandhill Cranes.  We had ten possible locations in Dakota Co.
that had had reports of cranes during the breeding season in the last three
years.  We checked on seven of the locations, but only one pair of cranes
was located and not in the spot that was expected.

I then went out to Lake Byllesby, which was quiet.  There were no Pelicans
and only a few shorebirds of four species: L. Yellowlegs, Pectoral SP,
Killdeer, and Spotted SP (FOY).  I also had FOY Brown Thrasher and
White-throated Sparrow.

180th Street marsh had plenty of activity with several species of courting
waterfowl: Pied-billed Grebe, Ring-necked Duck, No. Shovelers,
 Bufflehead.  A Canada Goose was on a nest on a muskrat lodge.

Randolph Industrial Park had both Meadowlarks, Song Sparrows, lots of
Vesper Sparrows and Cowbirds.  I stopped to speak with Ray Tervo, who had
seen Savanah Sparrows there and White-fronted Geese north of the area along
H-56.  He lamented that he hadn't seen any Gray Partridge there.  At that
point two flew by that we were able to get a better look at later.  There
were lots of Red Admiral Butterflies

I also saw a Rough-winged Swallow enter a hole at a sand pit.

Lillacs are blooming along with the apple trees.  I also found Wild Ginger
in bloom.  I heard my first Copes Gray Treefrogs of the season in the
evening back home

Steve Weston
on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN

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