I went out to Old Cedar Ave. bridge this morning at around 10:00am with my 
four-year-old daughter. It was a lot of fun as there were so many migrants 
flying through and gathering in the open water. The highlight was the American 
Bittern that was flying over the cattails to the NW of the new Old Cedar Ave. 
bridge. If looking towards Hwy. 77 from the bridge it landed to the left and 
close to shore. It is the first time I have found this species in the southern 
half of the state.

Other birds include:

Northern Shrike- At the parking area. Apparently late enough to require 
comments on eBird.

Sandhill Crane- 1

Tree Swallow- 8

Canvasback- 16

Eastern Phoebe- 1

American White Pelican- 17

Green-winged Teal- 1

Good Birding,

Jason Caddy

South Minneapolis

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