Hi Birders
Some of you might remember a few days ago that a woman named Monica asked if 
anyone would take her out and show her a Snowy Owl.  Well I volunteered and 
this morning we met up in Ramsey near the Cell tower. Actually she got there 
early and spotted that one Snowy that’s been hanging around the cell tower 
before I arrived.  I think that one is a juvenile.  When  I got there I saw the 
snowy landing atop a pine tree .  Monica and I got some photos then I asked her 
if she was interested in looking for the other snowy and she said she would. We 
drove to all the usual spots where the other one has been seen including around 
Coborn’s and the field just north of there but without any luck. Finally I 
spotted one atop a house just north of the field .  By the time we got near it 
it had flown to the field just south of the houses.  We watched it for a while 
then it took off and flew a block west to some other houses then it headed back 
towards us and the houses we were near and out of nowhere another one joined up 
with it and they seemed to make physical contact on the side of a house. I ran 
around trying to see where they went and they had both disappeared from my 
sight but Monica saw it too and saw them flying back west again towards the 
other houses  so we got into our cars and followed them but we had lost them . 
We then went back to the first snowy that we saw and he was still there in the 
pine tree resting near the cell tower on the other side of Armstrong.  I 
realize that it’s not proof but Monica agreed that it was very likely that 
there are at least three snowy’s in that area.  I hung around a bit longer 
after Monica left and found one back at the houses on the east side of 
Armstrong seemingly hiding behind a roof and then back to the cell tower where 
that one was now sitting next to the road so I got some nice photos of him.
Here is a link to photos of two of them, I never got a photo of the third one.  
Ron Taube Coon Rapids

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