[more newsgroups added; i'm hoping that xpcom and netlib folks will
chime in here]

Paul Sandoz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Perhaps re-using and
> >>    creating exception codes and mapping these to 
> >>    i18n strings for dialogs to use in the address
> >>    book?
> >
> >Sounds good.
>       Just come across this bug:
>               http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13423
>       in relation to the nsIErrorService.idl

I suspect that nsIErrorService will probably be the most straightforward way
to propagate network-level errors up to the UI, since it's designed
for just this purpose.  nsIException support just landed recently
so it would also be interesting to hear whether the netlib folks have
any plans to move in that direction, and what the stated XPCOM
direction is...  

> >>    Or is there going to be generic listeners on 
> >>    ldap sessions/connections which can inform the
> >>    user when somthing has gone wrong? so that
> >>    specific applications do not need to inform
> >>    the user if general ldap operations have failed.
> >
> >I hope you don't suggest to put up error dialogs from the backend? A few 
> >functions in Mailnews do that, and they cause problems when there is no 
> >GUI (as in my Mailnews CORBA wrapper). It's a bug.
> >
>       Gosh no! 
>       I was wondering if it was possible for the mozilla
>       browser to add observers to an ldap 'session manager'
>       such that it could listen to specific events like
>       errors and thus display generic dialogs (if of course
>       the client performing an ldap operation allowed for
>       listening to be enabled perhaps?)
>       Or maybe have a session manager context so that different
>       clients can deal with ldap errors within contexts in a
>       more specific manner.
>       I think it might be easier to extend the address book
>       session interface to handle the registration of error
>       observers. Thus ensuring scriptablity and GUI independence
>       of the address book implemenations.

Well, the LDAP routines all return the errors documented in 
the nsILDAPErrors.idl and nsLDAP.h in directory/xpcom/base/public/.
So I'm a little unclear why a session manager or observer paradigm
would be useful in this context... wouldn't have the calling code and
callback functions check for errors be sufficient?

(Tangent: I think the nsLDAP.h errors should probably be moved to a
%C++ block in nsILDAPErrors.idl).


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