When I launch PDF documents from Netscape, both my browser
and Acrobat application freeze.  I must go to 'Task Manager' 
and End Task for both applications.  The problem is sporadic 
and I cannot seem to replicate it consistently.  The problem 
appears to occur more frequently with larger PDF files 
(i.e. 700K or more), but it has occurred with relatively 
small files too (i.e. 100K or smaller).

My desktop runs Netscape Communicator 4.75 with Adobe 
Acrobat 4.05 on Windows NT 4 (with Service Pack 5).  The 
server is an IIS 4 (running NT Service Pack 4) within the
corporate Intranet; the PDF files reside within 
InetPub\wwwroot.  I have tried saving the document with 
byte-serving 'on' and also 'off'; neither has solved the 
problem.  Someone has suggested installing Acrobat on the
server and registering certain DLLs; but this hardly seems 
like it would help.

If you have any suggestions, I would certainly appreciate

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