Title: ARE YOU


I hope all is well with you.  Like most of us, I have been burned in several Programs over the years.  However, I recently came upon a Program that looks like a winner.

I am writing to you to tell you that the letter and service that Bernie and Martin provide does exactly what they say it will do.  People who are promoting the letter are getting money.

You may or may not be interested in this Program.  If you are not, that is fine, but I did want to give you an opportunity to review it.  There are several people, who are general enrollees like you and I, who are making very handsome profits with this Program.  I have also found that joining a good program early gives you a real advantage, and I wanted to give you that opportunity.

The reason I am a fan of gifting programs is because you are paid in cash and the potential for serious money is real.  The biggest obstacles for gifting programs are  a.) monthly payments  b.) it usually costs over $400.00 each year for your monthly dues  c.) the Post Office.  Well, The Last Program has addressed all three.  First, it's a one time payment Program.  A one time cost of $100.00 is all that is needed to join a potentially very profitable venture that has very little risk.  Compare that to the $400.00 a year for most programs, plus you do not have to make monthly payments, or worry about them getting there or being stolen.  Finally, they do not use the Post Office to receive the one time payment.  You will be paid in cash.

My name is Scott Hayes.  I am a member of the Last Program letter opportunity.   Most participants are promoting through traditional means like direct mail through the post office delivery system.  Even though direct mail can be expensive they are still making a profit.  But why not maximize your profit potential by using bulk email?  It is safe, legal, and most importantly is inexpensive and effective.

I can provide an email delivery service of fresh, deliverable addresses of potential new clients and I will do all of your emailing for you.  You do virtually nothing!  I do everything.  I will send as many thousands or millions of copies of this letter as you wish.  I will also maintain your email list so that it remains current, deliverable, and Profitable.

The ISP server I am using has a specific and secure agreement to safely send bulk-emails for the last 9 years.

:   Bulk Email is Not Illegal!   However, you have to know how to do it to avoid all of the hassles

I found you through emailing.  Emailing is extremely cost effective.

Bulk Email Packages

  • I mail 100,000 Emails for you:    $500

  • I mail 250,000 Emails for you:    $750

  • I mail 1,000,000 Emails for you:   $950

              (one million emails is the best deal by far!)

Experts who make a very fine living by exclusively using bulk email say you can expect a return of between 50 to 100 clients for every 100,000 letters emailed for most good offers.  These are expectations and I can not make a promise of sales and/or profit.  But think about it, it is reasonable to expect these kinds of numbers of response.

You will get paid $10.00 for every new member joining under your ID number with the Last Program.  So if you have me deliver 1,000,000 emails under your ID number and using the low side of the response rates listed above you would have 500 new clients.  That's 500 people times $10.00 each that totals $5000.00!  And that is just your first level of people.  These people will probably have me email for them as well which would mean that your levels 2 thru 6 would still be paying you and you still will make money with no further investment from you if you chose to stop emailing after that one time!

Please take a few minutes and read over this entire letter.  It is a fascinating Program and I am excited about its potential.  I know we have all been burned before, but I refuse to give up on my financial goals for my family.  Remember, the race does not always go to the swift, but to those who keep on running.

If  you decide to join, fax in the application on the last page of this document and in about one week, the Company will send you a letter telling you where to send your one-time payment.  And after joining, you will receive the names and contact information, including mailing addresses and telephone numbers, of the six people who are directly above you.  My contact information will be on that list of contacts.  This is how you will contact me if you wish me to email for you.

REMEMBER, save this email, you will need it later when contacting me to email for you.

Thank you
Scott Hayes
ID #17110-2


Interested in making LARGE sums of CASH money - honestly and legally?
Looking for something that you can work quietly out of your home?
Looking for something that requires very little money to start?
Interested in seeing your dreams become reality?


If you're ready to finally succeed at making money, using a system that is so easy a 12-year-old could do it, and if you're tired of trying programs that promise you a lot but deliver little, then this is the LAST program you'll ever need to take a look at!  Honestly, you will have SUCCESS with this.  Give this letter a read and see for yourself!

Dear Future Friend and Associate:

We could become very close friends - associates - in the near future!  In this letter, we're going to show how YOU can actually RAKE IN a tidy sum of CASH for almost next to nothing!  

  • You do not have to buy any merchandise.
  • You do not have to sell anything.
  • You do not have to mail thousands of letters. (In fact, you don't have to mail any letters!)
  • This system is simple and virtually foolproof.
  • You will receive CASH money.

This system was designed for the average person.  It doesn't matter what your status is in life at this time because regardless what it is you can succeed.


My name is Martin Shaeffer, and my associate's name is Bernie Wilkerson.  We have teamed up to create what we truly believe is the best money making opportunity you've ever seen!  Both Bernie and myself are self-made millionaires.

You can ignore this or throw it away, but you'll never know what you could have had if you do.

Bernie and I have designed a powerful, LEGAL, cash-generating system that allows anyone with even the smallest amount of ambition to receive a substantial amount of cash money!  Age, occupation, or experience is NOT a factor.  If you can follow simple instructions, that's all the "skill" you need.

We were looking for something the average person could get into at a low cost  - and preferably with very little risk - that would pay a really decent return.  After several thousand man-hours of gathering data and pouring over that data, we finally found the IDEAL concept for making money.  However, that "concept" required us to make a few modifications in order for it to work effectively, and to ensure that everyone who participated would be successful.  With our modifications in place and tested, we knew we came up with the system that everyone has been looking for - and boy we were excited!!  (We still are!)


Bernie and I spent over 2 years researching and documenting every type of venture we could possibly find.  After documenting and analyzing thousands of different ventures, we settled in on one particular type of venture where the investment was super low, the potential payout was very high, and the risk was practically nonexistent (even if you did only the minimum amount of work).  That "something" we found was the "Gifting" concept!

HOLD ON!!  Before you delete this letter_ hear us out.  Give yourself the chance to learn what we learned, okay?

We know that there have been many different programs that have used variations of "gifting" techniques which promised you incredible amounts of money if you would follow their advice.  From our research we know that virtually all of them have failed because we did an in-depth study of every gifting-type program we could find.  Because of this large number of failures, gifting programs are getting a bad rap_ and this is not fair because they honestly don't deserve it.  The number one question for us was:  "Why did they fail?"  Let's face it_ the gifting concept is SOLID!  If the operators were honest (and we found that the majority of them were), these programs should have worked, but still they didn't.  So our task then became to figure out WHY.  We knew once we could answer the "why" we could then solve the problems all of these programs seemed to be plagued with.


To find out why other gifting programs didn't work, we spent several months locating some of the operators of those programs and discussing with them why their program(s) didn't succeed.  What we found out was this:  The basic gifting concept truly IS solid, but the weaknesses were in the way they were structured and operated!  We found most of the operators of these programs didn't think "long term," and they didn't seem to understand how outside sources influenced them.  The "outside influences" included governmental agencies and the nature of people in general.

What if we told you we can guarantee you a program that will never be shut down?

Most of the gifting-type programs we came across were "monthly-payment" types.  These are programs where you pay a small fee each month of, say $20 or $30, and you send these payments in to the program operator each month.  The program operator then dispatches all payments received to the appropriate participants once or twice each month.

As these programs grow, the volume of mail also grows since each member sends a gift each month.  This is the Achilles heel that defeats every one of the MONTHLY gifting programs!  That volume of mail simply can't be disguised because it attracts a LOT of attention!  With this much attention, one of two things usually occurs:

1.)    Someone eventually discovers that cash is inside all those envelopes.  This usually happens when a postal employee sees an envelope that has been accidentally torn open by mail handling equipment.  Mail going to that address in the future is then stolen or somehow "lost" (as the post office would describe it).  From here on out the program is on its way down because payments are not getting to the participants since they are being stolen and the operator is not receiving them.  The operator does not know what is going on; he just knows that his monthly mail volume has dropped, but he's not sure why.  The program dies.

2.)    The Postal Service gets word from another government agency to interrupt mail service - without notice - to whatever address the operator was using.  The Postal Service complies, which causes a serious disruption to the program and the program suffers an immediate death.  The operator is powerless to do anything about it.  By the time the operator goes to court to fight this illegal action by the Postal Service, it is too late... he cannot salvage the program.

The number one weakness that causes most gifting programs to fail is the fact that the U.S. Postal Service cannot be trusted to reliably deliver any mail that contains cash!

And you know what?  The sad thing about this fact is that THEY KNOW IT TOO because even the Postal Service tells you not to send cash through their system.  Yeah... even they know they have serious theft problems!  In each of the above examples, the operator gets blamed for the failure of the program, but the reality is the U.S. Postal Service (the government) is at fault for the program's failure - not the operator.  Unfortunately, there's not much any of us can do to change how the government operates.

The point we're trying to make here is that we found out gifting programs would really work if the government would leave them alone!

To recap, the three problems with most cash gifting programs are:

1.)    Requiring members to make regular monthly payments (which leads to Problem #2)...
2.)    Attracting too much attention due to the high volume of mail to single address (which leads to Problem #3)...
3.)    Theft of cash by postal employees or other mail handlers.


The first thing we've done in our new system is eliminate the U.S. Postal Service from the most critical loop, which is the delivery of cash and other correspondence to the program operators (Bernie and me).  To deliver cash payments and other correspondence, we use Private Carriers such as UPS, Fed-Ex, Airborne Express, etc.  Notice we didn't say that YOU can't use the Postal Service to promote the program through the mail if you wanted to, because you can...there's certainly no problem with that since you are just mailing letters and there is no cash in them.  We mean that anything coming to us as the internal monitors of the program must not travel via the U.S. Postal Service since they are not the trustworthy public servants they are supposed to be.

Secondly, we've created a way to keep our delivery address so fluid that even existing members will not be sure what it is from one day to another.  It changes very frequently.  The only people who will know which address is the correct address on any given day will be those new people who wish to join our program.  Yes, yes, yes we will eventually give YOU a phone number, a fax number, and an e-mail address so you can communicate directly with us, but not until we are ready for you to have that information.  We don't want this privy information given out to every Tom, Dick, and Harry.  This procedure is for your benefit because it protects the program and keeps the cash flowing FOR YOU!

Thirdly, we solved the incoming mail-volume problem by making this plan a one-time payment program.  This eliminates the major problem with those "monthly" gifting programs described earlier.  This procedure does three things: 
1.)  It prevents drawing too much attention to a single address,  2.)  It eliminates the hassles of remembering to make a monthly payment and then going through the trouble and inconvenience of actually making the payment, and  3.)  It prevents a member from accidentally getting dropped from the program because he or she was either late with their monthly payment or forgot to make it altogether.

You see, many programs would drop you like a hot potato if you missed a single payment.  Our procedure of making a SINGLE payment completely solves this problem... you won't lose all of the time and money you put into the program simply because you were really busy one month and forgot to make your payment or you didn't receive your "reminder notice", or you misplaced it.

The one-time payment fee is $100.00 - which we feel is very reasonable, especially when you see what the payout is with this program (which we'll describe later in this letter).  Yes, the one-time payment is a little higher than those "monthly" payments in some other programs, but it actually costs LESS to participate in our program.  Think about this!  After you've made just 3 or 4 payments in those monthly programs, it has already cost you MORE money to participate in them than it would have cost you being in our program and making JUST ONE PAYMENT!  Bernie and I have really thought this through, and we know we have a better way...anyone who participates in our program will be doing so at A MUCH LOWER OVERALL COST!

With these corrective actions and techniques, along with several others we won't mention in this letter, our program literally can never be shut down by anyone!


The cash money you receive from this program is technically considered non-taxable "gifts" from income that has already been taxed (since you didn't earn it via any kind of "commerce"), and it even states this in the IRS code. 

We realize that there are people who would argue against this point, but the fact remains that gift amounts received from any single person per year up to $10,000 are NOT legally taxable as spelled out by the IRS Tax Code itself.  Other people (both in the government and outside of the government) may twist words around and argue that the money you receive is "income"... it is not!  We suggest to these people that they go to the tax code and learn what the true definition of income really is as defined by the tax code itself.  Gifts are not income and are NOT legally taxable as such.  If, however, you still feel a little squeamish about this point, here's our suggestion:  Join the program and make your money, then claim it as "miscellaneous income" on your tax return and pay taxes on it if you want.  You'll then go to bed feeling good and you will have still made a lot of extra money so you can avoid any hassles.

Now let's discuss how our powerful new cash-generating system will make YOU money, because this is what it's all about!  Our system actually consists of two phasesPhase 1 will be described here.  Phase 2 works exactly like Phase 1, except it involves a lot more money_ and it's by personal invitation only form us (Bernie and Martin).  After you've shown us that you can follow our directions and you've made a reasonable amount of money with Phase 1 (at least $3,000), we will personally call to invite you into Phase 2.  The real beauty of Phase 2 is that you DON'T have to do much because most of the people you sponsored into Phase 1 will automatically follow you into Phase 2.  Pretty neat, huh?

To continue_ once you join you task is very simple:  Sponsor 3 people.  That's it - just 3 people.  THIS IS VERY EASY TO DO!  There are a number of ways you can do this, and our Member's Guide will explain them all to you.  YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO DO ANY MAILINGS!  You can do mailings if you want, but we'll show you how to sponsor three people at virtually no cost to you.  However, if you would like to mail letters totally anonymously so that you can reach even MORE people and make an even greater total dollar amount than what we're about to show you, we'll reveal several ways to do it through the mail for a modest cost.  Whichever method(s) you choose, you'll use the camera-ready letter (like this one) we send you which has your name and number at the #1 position.  So let's now see what the numbers look like with everyone sponsoring an average of only three people each.  Keep in mind that you receive a full $10 from everyone at each level down six levels deep.


                 YOU sponsor three people with you in the #1 slot = 3 x $10        You receive         $30
    Those 3 sponsor three people each with you in the #2 slot = 9 x $10        You receive          $90
    Those 9 sponsor three people each with you in the #3 slot = 27 x $10      You receive        $270
  Those 27 sponsor three people each with you in the #4 slot = 81 x $10      You receive        $810
  Those 81 sponsor three people each with you in the #5 slot = 243 x $10    You receive     $2,430
Those 243 sponsor three people each with you in the #6 slot = 729 x $10    You receive     $7,290


As you can see in this example, in Phase 1 you have now received almost $11,000 in cash money (Remember:  You are always paid in cash!)  Not a bad chunk of change is it?  And remember, YOU only gifted $100 out of your own pocket.  Now, YOU do some of the math and let's see what happens.  How much would you make if you sponsored, say, 6 people?_ or 10 people?  What if the guy 2 levels down from you sponsored 30 people instead of 3?  See how easy this plan is to understand?  Do you see the potential??

Now let's be super conservative.  What if you DIDN'T make all $10,920 shown in our example above.  Would you be too upset if you only made $6000 instead of the almost $11,000 shown in our example?

Would you REALLY be upset at all??  What if you made twice the amount shown?  It's entirely possible and we bet you wouldn't gripe much about that!

Phase 2 is where the REALLY BIG money comes in!  Instead of gifting $10 to 6 different people, in Phase 2 everyone gifts $500 to each of six people, which means you will gift $3000, but DON'T WORRY!  By that time you will have received a whole lot more than that from cycling through Phase 1, so you easily have the $3,000 needed to move into Phase 2.  Instead of thinking about having to pay out $3,000 in Phase 2, think more about how YOU will be receiving $500 from each of the same number of people shown in the above example!  This amounts to over $500,000!! - if everyone does just the minimum effort of bringing in 3 people each!  Imagine what the payout would be if you brought in MORE than the minimum of 3 people.  What if you bought in a dozen people who each bring in three, or perhaps you bring in two dozen people?  We hope you are beginning to get excited!

PLUS_ once you've finished cycling through Phase 2, you can re-enroll right back into Phase 2 again (without having to go back to Phase1).  You can keep doing this over and over again (with your initial people still following you) _
for as long as you like!!

Don't worry about how we're going to get the cash to you because that's all figured out.  We know what we're doing, and once you start receiving high dollar payments, you will receive many payment packages from us each month.  So please don't worry about HOW we're going to get your money to you; you will get your money, and you can always count on that!  The Member's Guide will explain all this to you in greater detail.


Members can easily cycle all the way through Phase 1 in as little as six weeks, but it could also take some members six months.  Sorry guys, but we have ZERO control over that aspect because it all depends on how fast or how long it takes YOU to sponsor your 3 people.  For quicker results we suggest you not waste a lot of time "thinking" about what you will do with this program.  Instead, JUST START DOING SOMETHING!  As soon as you get your Membership Info Kit, read the "Quick Start" page and GET MOVING!  The sooner you get moving, the sooner you'll start receiving YOUR gift payments. 


On the last page of this letter you will find a list of six names.  The person in the #1 position is the person who sent you this letter.  You will notice that nobody can bother the people on the list because only we know who these people are.  Nobody can associate anyone with anything, and that's exactly the way we planned it.

When you join our program, you will send in a total ONE-TIME payment of $100.  This payment goes directly to us first so that we can verify who did actually send the cash money before they're allowed to participate.  After you pay this $100 fee, you do NOT send in any more money (unless you want to sign up more than once).  There are NEVER any monthly gifting or maintenance fees to hassle with.  Now follow along closely as we explain where your money goes.

We will send $10 to EACH of the six people on the list.  This accounts for $60 of the money you send in.  The remaining $40 is your one-time "Application, Maintenance, and Monitoring Fee".  This gets you set up in our system and covers the on-going costs of continuously monitoring your downline and sending you your cash money and monthly downline reports as you cycle through Phase 1 - no matter how long it takes you to complete the cycle.  Additionally, this $40 also goes to pay for the ongoing overhead necessary to keep providing you service and to keep this program in the black.  We maintain a lot of employees, need office space, computers, fax machines, phone lines, mail boxes, etc.  It also goes to pay for the membership kits, utilities, paper, envelopes, shipping expenses, printing, and all of the hundreds of other things required to run an operation like this.  We have a very elaborate team of professionals which are needed to run this program properly.  This "ain't" no cheesy operation.  It is quite impressive indeed.  We make absolutely NO profit from this $40 fee!  And in case you were wondering, we make our money the same way you do, by signing up a participants and paying our $100 fee each time we enroll

Payments are sent to members at the end of each month.  So let's say you decide to join our program and we receive your application and $100 participation fee on the 11th of the month.  On the 30th of the month we will tally all payments going to each person, then send each person the total amount due them in cash.  We sincerely want everyone to receive their money in a timely manner because this is what will prove to you that there is a better way other than dependence on others for your livelihood.   Our sophisticated computerized software keeps an accurate tally of who received gifts from whom and the total amount to be paid to each member for each month.  We also have a back-up system in place in case of computer failure, so don't worry about how we do what we do.  Rest assured knowing you will get your payments!


As mentioned before, once we have received your application and payment, we will send you your Membership Info Kit.  In that kit you will receive the Member's Guide we have mentioned several times.  This is an extensive, professionally-bound, easy-to-understand book that covers any and all questions that you may have.  It will literally lead you by the hand, step-by-step, instructing you on how to use this program to create a cash flow that you probably never dared dream about.  It also tells you how to handle cash money as it relates to the IRS and other institutions.  Everything you need to know is in the book!

Also enclosed is a computerized printout of the six people shown on the last page that your $10 gifts went to.  You will receive their address, phone number, etc., so that you can contact them to verify that they have received gifts from you.  We highly encourage you to call each person and ask them what they think of the program.  We really want you to communicate with each other because, more than anything else, that will let you know you're dealing with professionals who truly have your best interest at heart!

Also included in your kit will be a camera-ready original of this letter that will have YOUR name and member number in the #1 slot on the list.  This is provided to you so that you can have a few copies made to either mail or hand to other prospective members.  New people need a form to fill out with YOUR name and member number in the #1 slot if they are going to join the program under you.

If you desire to mail letters, included will be excellent printing sources that can provide you with high-quality printed copies of your letter at dirt-cheap prices!  We will also include an extensive list of mailing-list companies so you can easily find a place to purchase names if you wish to do so.

And finally, as mentioned earlier, we will also provide you with info on how to contact us for assistance and information.

(P.S. - Remember, Scott Hayes can provide  inexpensive, effective email delivery service to reach thousands or even millions of potential new clients for you.)

Keep in mind you WILL get back what you put into this program many times over, but it DOES take some time... we're telling you this up front.  Everything depends on how fast the members move.  If your family has to suffer between the time that you send in your gift payment and the time you start receiving gifts, then we prefer you don't do this.  Remember it can take six weeks to six months to receive all of your gifts.  Since families are the core of our society, it is more important that you take care of your family first.


If you truly want to receive some serious cash money, then you need to be a part of this!  We have purposely designed this program so that the average person could easily afford to participate in it.  Certainly you must be tired of joining programs that are continually being shut down.  Here's your chance to FINALLY receive financial freedom with a program that has been designed for your success and a team that truly wants to make this happen for you!

Your first step is to read and carefully fill out the application below, then fax it to our TOLL-FREE number.  Your second step is to sit back and wait for our response_ you'll hear from us in your mailbox in about a week.  Our great cash-generating system is already changing the lives of a lot of people, and it can change YOUR life too!  Fill out and fax in your application right now!!


Alt Fax #:  1-727-786-3308 (NOT toll-free)

Step 1: 
Using BLACK ink, completely fill out this application form, including providing us with a numerical 4-digit "Personal Security Password".  The Personal Security Password is something that only you and we will know, it will not be released to anyone else.  It will be used to positively identify you when you make changes to your personal information.  Please PRINT VERY CLEARLY so that we can easily read all information once it has been faxed to us.  (Fax transmissions cause loss of quality and clarity!) You do not have to use your real name if you don't want to, you may use any name you wish, but be sure that you can receive mail under whatever name you give us!!  We must have an accurate address within the U.S.

Step 2: 
Fax this application to our toll-free number:  1-866-777-7788.  Yep_ we even pay for the phone call!  These days you can find any number of places to send faxes for you, your local grocery store, a mail room, a print shop, Office Depot, Kinko's, Staples, or perhaps you have your own fax machine at home.  With us paying for the call, even your e ****

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