I got things mess up now after uninstall/reinstall many times. The 
situation is I install N6 with Java plugin sometime ago. Then I install 
Mozilla 0.8 and for some reasons I can't run Java applet. I figured out 
now how to make things work but the problem is that I can't use the same 
profile for N6 and Mozilla (please don't ask why I have both installed).

If I use the same profile for both N6 and Mozilla, one of them will 
crash at start up (doesn't matter I close the one before start another 
one or not, it still crash). For example, if I open N6, which I 
installed before Mozilla and use profile name "abc". After close N6 and 
open Moziila with the same profile, Mozilla will not start at all (just 
freeze at the sprash screen). Same apply to N6. Now it getting annoying 
since everytime I start N6 and Mozilla, I have to choose Profile. Anyone 
know how to get around this problem (either get it work on the same 
profile or get them load different profile automatically). Any helps are 


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