Borax Man wrote:
 > I dont know if this is a bug, but its definately a very irritation
 > mis-feature I would like to know how to remove in mozilla
 > 0.9.7
 > Why do I have to wait for a web page to completely load before I can use
 > the "save link as feature"?  Older versions did not do this, but now,
 > the dialog box does not come up untill the web page is completely
 > loaded!  I really cant understand why anyone would deliberately do this,
 > must be a bug.

Just a wild guess: do you happen to have your "Scripts & Windows" 
preferences set to disallow sites to open unrequested windows?  If so, 
then this was a bug in 0.9.7 which wouldn't allow the browser chrome to 
open new windows while a page was loading.  It has since been fixed, and 
the fix will be in 0.9.8 (released next week).

If not, try searching for this bug and if 
you don't find it open a new bug report.


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