Up until 0.9.8 the sidebar search facility worked well for me.  The 
results came back split into 2 panes, the top half with a list of hits, 
the bottom half with the actual list of hits as it would be shown by the 
target search engine, Google for example.

Since 0.98 what happens is the bottom pane is missing, ie it looks like 
you shrank it to the bottom of the window, and you cant expand it by 
clicking on the sidebar.

If I repeat the search without change by hitting the search button again 
  I get a popup window asking me what to do with the file


ie save to disk or name an app to handle it

I dont think I actually reconfigured anything between 0.9.7 and 0.9.8 
and the problem is still there in 0.9.9

I'm running on Windows 98

Any clues?

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