I just received an obvious fishing message that was directing me to https://signin.ebay.com. It looked really interesting, fishing using an https site rings a bell, but this was the real ebay login site (I had a doubt at first, was that the comeback of some i18n trick ?), so I really wondered what happened.

Until I saw the source of the message :

<html><p><font face="Arial"><A HREF="https://signin.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?SignIn&sid=verify&co_partnerId=2&siteid=0";><map name="mlhcsf"><area coords="0, 0, 646, 569" shape="rect" href="";></map><img SRC="cid:part1.02030507.09050505@support_id_6906286@ebay.com" border="0" usemap="#mlhcsf"></A></a></font></p><p><font color="#FFFFF8">my name is Solar Eclipse Freeware in 1981 how much </font></p></html>

Mozilla mail goes to the URL in the A tag, but there must be some other software that goes to the url in the area tag, and maybe while displaying the A url. Or is that a trick to get through anti-fishing software ?
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