In the last episode (Nov 12), Mitchell said:
> I am using the lame encoder to re-encode files for streaming to a
> icecast server.  I would like to be able to support 33.6 and 56k
> modem users so I have chosen 32k as the default encoder bitrate.  I
> am wundering if it is possible to make the audio sound any better
> than it does with my current command line switches.  The style of
> music is funky house, which really doesn't sound that crash hot in AM
> Radio quality sound.
> I was listening to a RealAudio stream yesterday also at 32k and it
> sounded significantly clearer than the mp3 files I"m currently
> producing.
> My current command line is:
> lame -h -b32 in.wav out.mp3

At low bitrates Lame's default frequency filters are completely wrong. 

lame --abr 30 --lowpass 8 --lowpass-width 0 --resample 22.050 
Raise the lowpass value as high as you can stand without making the
"twinkling" artifacts too bad.  You might also consider encoding a
separate stream at 50kpbs for the 56k modem users.

You'll never get as good as RealAudio quality (at low bitrates, RA can
encode stereo at the same quality as Lame in mono), but it shouldn't
sound too bad.

        Dan Nelson
mp3encoder mailing list

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