As I wanted to know what was going on inside the DLL (for the bug I told 
before) I downloaded the 3.90 tar.gz source code and tried to compile using MS 
VC++ 6.0.

Despite the fact the the given .dsw and .dsp refuse to load in VC6 (I guess it 
relies on VC5) I nearly managed to compile the DLL (after copying configMS.h 
into config.h). But there is still a small problem : the file "vbrquantize.h" 
is not in the .tar.gz file... And it's included in a few files ! Hopefully if 
you remove the include it compiles with a warning (assuming int on functions) 
and mayeb no compiler cast is needed on function parameters... But I think it's 
rather sad for a stable version to have some missing code :(
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