Steven G. Johnson < <at>> writes:

> On Jul 14, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Alexandre Besnier wrote:
>   Good morning, I'm a student and I work currently on your software 
Mpb, I try to make a rectangular lattice of 0.204µm x 0.561µm size, and 
I would like to understand units give by band diagram. On your wiki 
pages you say that frequency is given in c/a unit, but I don't 
understand several things :     - In band diagram, if I obtain frequency 
= 1, that say a=c, ie a=3.10^8 meters ?
> No, it means that frequency = 1 (c/a).  Since frequency = c / lambda, 
this means that 
>       c/lambda = 1 (c/a)
> and thus
>       lambda = a
> Put another way, the frequency in MPB's units is exactly the same as 
a/lambda  (where lambda = vacuum wavelength).
>      - Normally, "a" is the lattice period, but with rectangular 
lattice, I have two periods, so what is "a" compared with my two periods 
> "a" is whatever unit of distance you want; it doesn't have to have 
anything to do with the lattice constant(s).
> You are perfectly free to use a=1um, for example, and then specify the 
size of your computation cell as 0.204 x 0.561, and give all distance 
units in microns.  In this case the frequencies returned by MPB are 
equivalent to 1/(lambda in microns).
>      - In the page "Mpb User Tutorial/A few words on units", you say 
at the last paragraph : "Thus, the corresponding vacuum wavelength is a 
over the frequency eigenvalue." It is not "Thus, the corresponding 
vacuum wavelength is c over the frequency eigenvalue." ? Because 
frequency * lambda = c ?
> See above.  This is a consequence of using c/a units of frequency.
> | Finally,  if I would like to have frequency in Hz, what I have to do 
to convert it ? 
> Multiply Meep's units by c/a in SI units.
> Steven
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Hi Professor Steven G. Johnson

I am trying to simulate the rectangular rods in rectangular lattice and 
facing difficulty in the process. I am not sure how to set the 
rectangular rods length in program as in book it is mentioned for square 
rods in sqare lattice that square side has a relation as side/a=0.4(as 
an example) but how can we apply it for the case rectangular rods in 
rectangular lattice. For example my dimensions for rectangular rod and 
rectangular lattice are  x1 x y1 and x2 x y2 then what will be my inputs 
in program. Thanks 
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