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Max Kellermann
Subject: Request for GPL source code of auRender_AllIn1-5.15.28-1544138897.aup
DEC 22, 2018  |  12:42AM KST
Ari replied:

Dear Mr. Kellermann,
Here you go:

MPD source for 2018.12.05


Please let us know if you need anything else.

Thank you very much!

Ari Margolis
Technical Support Manager
Aurender America, Inc.
DEC 19, 2018  |  08:33PM KST
Original message
Max wrote:

Dead sir or madam,

I downloaded the file auRender_AllIn1-5.15.28-1544138897.aup, SHA-256
ce182dc347207d50fb3aaabafa568b22d0287d81ae3b0e879da87b55219675ad from
your website.

This file contains a copy of MPD, and I own the copyright to this

Please send me the full machine-readable source code of the files
"mpd" and "libwimp.so.1.0" according to the terms of the GPLv2 or

I expect to receive the full source code until December 30th 2018.
Failure to comply with the terms of the GPL will terminate your
license after that date.

Max Kellermann
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