Hi all,

I wanted to give you all a heads-up on the March meeting and some additional 
information to help with travel arrangements:

The MPI Forum meeting will happen as usual from Monday afternoon (starting at 
2pm) to Thursday (12:30pm). However, at the last few meetings participation in 
the WGs was mixed, but we always ran out of plenary time (due to some larger 
tickets - sessions, events, fault behavior, …) which caused - rightfully - 
larger discussions. Since we need to get these through if we want to have a 
chance for an MPI 4.0 standard, we decided during the last forum in San Jose to 
skip WG meetings this time and focus only on plenaries. The hope is that this 
will accelerate the process.

Note, this is NOT intended as permanent change and is likely to revert back to 
the normal format for June, unless we decide differently in Chattanooga. 
Further, if a WG urgently needs time, please let me and Tony know and we can 
try to accommodate times bordering the forum (e.g., Monday AM or Thursday PM).

Further, there are plans for two associate events - both are not part of the 
forum (and hence not on the core agenda), but closely related:

On Monday morning before the forum (until 2pm) Kathryn Mohror and Josh Hursey 
are planning a kick-off meeting for a possible standardization effort on an 
interface that could replace MPIR (but going beyond just MPI)

Meeting name: System Runtime Interface Kick-off Meeting
Meeting description: We are forming a community of folks interested in 
establishing a formal standard API specification between applications/tools and 
system runtime environments. This standard interface will focus on supporting 
HPC application launch and wire-up; tools that wish to inspect, steer, and/or 
debug parallel applications; interfaces to manage dynamic workload 
applications; interfaces to support fault tolerance and cross-library 
coordination; and communication across container boundaries.

On Friday, Tony is planning on an "MPI-Beyond Worskhop” workshop to discuss 
larger topics on future architecture designs for MPI-next-next.

For both events, the respective organizers will send more information 
separately, but if you are interested, please take this into account in your 
travel arrangements. Also, there will be separate (small) fees for these events 
to cover food (similar to what we do at the core forum).

I hope this helps with planning,


Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz, Chair of Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems
Department of Informatics, TU-Munich, Boltzmannstraße 3, D-85748 Garching
Email: schu...@in.tum.de

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