EuroMPI 2019
Zuerich, Switzerland, September 10-13, 2019
Deadline: April 15th, 2019

Call for Papers

EuroMPI 2019 will continue to focus on not just MPI, but also extensions or 
alternative interfaces for high-performance homogeneous/heterogeneous/hybrid 
systems, benchmarks, tools, parallel I/O, fault tolerance, and parallel 
applications using MPI and other interfaces. Through the presentation of 
contributed papers, posters and invited talks, the meeting will provide ample 
opportunities for attendees to interact and share ideas and experiences to 
contribute to the improvement and furthering of message-passing and related 
parallel programming paradigms.
We invite high-quality, full paper submissions on all topics related to 
message-passing parallel programming with MPI and related or competing models.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Implementation Issues and Algorithms: Efficient and scalable implementations 
of message-passing constructs.
* Architectures and systems, Towards exascale computing, Efficient use of
  accelerators and other features of modern, large-scale systems, 
Hardware-software interaction.
* Programming models and paradigms for large-scale, parallel, distributed
  memory systems, hiearchical and hybrid models, partitioned global address
  space (PGAS) models.
* Extensions to and shortcomings of MPI, alternative interfaces and solutions.
* New, parallel (MPI-)I/O mechanisms optimizations.
* Hybrid and heterogeneous programming with MPI and other interfaces.
* Message passing interface support for data-intensive parallel applications.
* Fault tolerance in message-passing implementations and systems.
* MPI parallel programming in clouds and non-dedicated systems.
* Applications and Performance: Performance evaluation for MPI and MPI-based
* Automatic performance tuning of applications and implementations.
* Verification of message-passing applications and protocols.
* Applications using message passing, in particular in computational science
  and scientific computing.
* Parallel algorithms in the message-passing paradigm.

Papers accepted for presentation as full papers will be published by ACM and
appear in separate proceedings the ACM Digital Library.

We also invite submissions of short papers on the same topics that are suitable
for poster presentation at the conference. Papers that are not accepted for
presentation as full papers may be recommended for poster presentation. Poster
papers will be published informally but are not intended to appear in the
regular ACM Digital Library proceedings.

Papers will be reviewed for quality, originality, clarity, correctness,
technical strength, and relevance to the topics of the meeting. Each paper will 
receive at least 3 reviews from members of the program committee. Reviews are 
blind (but not double-blind), the names of the authors will be seen by the 
program committee.
Among the papers selected for presentation, a few of the best papers will, as
has been the tradition for the last couple of years, be selected by the
programme comittee and recommended for publication in a EuroMPI 2019 Special
Issue of the Parallel Computing journal, see These papers will go
through a separate round of reviews, and are intended as extended, more
polished archival versions of the conference versions.

Important Dates

Submission server opens: January 14th, 2019 
Full paper Submission: April 15th, 2019 (AOE) 
Notification: July 1st, 2019 
Camera-ready: August 5th, 2019 
Conference dates: September 11th-13th, 2019 
See for updates.

Submission Guidelines

To be considered, papers must be formatted according to the "sigconf" style in
the ACM 2017 Template and up to 10 pages in length (shorter papers are welcome)
in pdf-format. The recommended length of poster papers is two pages.
Submissions (regular papers and posters) will be handled via easychair.

The page limit includes figures, tables, and appendices, but does not include
references, for which there is no page limit. Margins and font sizes should not
be modified. Authors should submit their work through the Euro MPI 2019
Submission Site at easychair:

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by ACM-ICPS.

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