On Thursday, November 13, 2003, at 07:59 AM, Victoria Heller wrote:

[Vicky] Actually, the largest PRIVATE employer in Minnesota is Target.
Of course Minneapolis taxpayers are paying a hefty price for those low
wage jobs.

Hard to say who's "leading"- these two low wage retailers are generally at the top of the list of Minnesota private employers in number of employees, but probably not in wages plowed back into the community. While Target claims to donate to nonprofits, it has no shame about demanding "contributions" from the taxpayers.

Over the past twenty years in Minnesota, LOCAL government employment
has INCREASED 45.1% while the population only increased 21.5%.  These
are statewide figures - It would be very interesting to compare
Minneapolis City payroll costs in 1982 vs. 2002, a twenty year period
of DECLINING population.

A lot of that increase is probably due to the increasing numbers of low paid and unemployed workers need for greater government services. Also note that some of the fastest growing sectors of government during the last 20 years were law enforcement and corrections.

[Vicky]  Housing values are determined by a handful of desperate
sellers (same for stock prices.)  Once the selling begins......watch
out below.

Agreed- here in the 'hood housing values have been in free fall all year long. Even in the 'burbs the builders are starting to offer rebates.

Using Warren Buffett's words "We live in Squanderville."  Minneapolis
(and many of its residents) has mortgaged its future to get what it
wants now.  Carol Becker claims that Minneapolis has a "balanced
budget."  Very deceptive language.  The budget was "balanced" by
borrowing over a Billion dollars.  Those who live in Squanderville
don't care who pays the tab -- as long as they get what they want.  I
find this attitude selfish and irresponsible.

I never seem to be amazed at the Republicans who blame government's financial problems on supposedly overpaid employees. Meanwhile, the real cause is visible all around us- new police and fire radios that don't work, redoing the same intersection 3 times in fifteen years, building a new parking ramp then tearing it down a couple years later, expensively renovating three theatres when there's maybe a market for one, bailing out Target Center only to have St.Paul build a competing arena, giving Continental Baking the money for a new bakery and letting them run off with it, buying new cars for city departments while we're practically giving away couple year old squads, etc... The list of boondoggles is near endless.

[Vicky]  They will figure it out eventually.....I hope it's not too

Yes, hopefully the Republicans will someday figure out how to balance a budget.

Footnote:  The LARGEST employer in MN is STATE GOVERNMENT.  The second
largest employer in MN is the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.  Target comes in as
#3 followed by the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA in 4th place.  Public
employees make 20% more than private sector equivalents PLUS much
better benefits PLUS lots more time off!!!!!  Source:  "A pretty good
deal" at www.taxpayersleague.org.

The (Rich) Taxpayers League is a front group for the Republican Party. When a Republican President manages to balance a budget their numbers might have a bit of credibility.

hanging on in Hawthorne,

Dyna Sluyter

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