Thanks to Annie Young for raising this issue to MPRB and staff, for 
correcting me on Vivian Mason's motion regarding John Gurban, and for another 
of why I never volunteer to take minutes except in dire circumstances.

Having said that, I can't readily agree with Dann Dobson about the 
constitutionality of the ordinance and feel that it may indeed be complicated. 
and police powers of local government are well established in the courts; the 
issue for me is the selective enforcement resulting in unconstitutional 
favoritism to those folks who happen to be aware of this stealth regulation and 
discrimination against those who are, understandingly, ignorant of the rules. 
rule may well be constitutional (yet stupid and offensive) and in that case, 
it is the MPRB and staff that are curtailing civil rights in the way they 
operate. I think selective enforcement is a harder case to make, but it is the 
that seems to fit for me.

John Gurban's offense was to single out Jason Stone (the fact that Stone had 
heard of the rule in a meeting is irrelevant I think). Gurban cites example 3 
from the rule the specific grounds for denial of a permit in his communication 
with the Mpls Observer, that Stone's literature contained a material 
falsehood or misrepresentation--totally irrelevant, but instructive as to 
motive. For 
those who don't have access to the regulation, here's the most relevant 
section of the nine to my mind to the Stone/Gurban incident and our discussion:

"Section 3.   Uses Requiring a Permit Under These Regulations.

     A person may not engage in any of the following activities on park 
property without a permit.

     a.     Noncommercial Solicitations. The solicitation of donations of mone
y or property and the sale or offer to sell any goods, services, or 
organizational memberships of any nature;

     b.     Public Assemblies.  Any public assembly, demonstration, picket, 
parade, or other activity conducted for the purpose of publicly expressing 
views or ideas.

     c.      Sale or distribution of Printed Material. The sale, distribution 
or circulation of any leaflets, handbills, notices, pamphlets, books, 
documents or papers of any kind, and the solicitation of signatures on a 

I hope someone gets this whole thing posted eventually somewhere.

Bill Kahn
Prospect Park
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