I wish the police beating of Alfred Flowers at the NAACP meeting had
gotten the same level of attention that the Porter incident is getting.
This is from the October 1 issue of _One Nation News_:

     "I came outside and saw that they had him handcuffed," 
     said Booker T. Hodges, an NAACP member. "There were three 
     officers on him.  One was choking him and telling him to 
     get in the car and the other was kicking him.  One of 
     them kept shouting, 'Get in the car,' but they were choking 
     and kicking him so he couldn't move."

Note that no one has come up with discrediting information about Mr.
Flowers, Mr. Hodges, or any of the other witnesses.

Is this the level of violence we have come to expect from our police? 
Is it somehow more acceptable because the police stopped short of sexual

I think it's interesting that Rev. Gallmon has been a focus of criticism
in this incident because he called the police or asked someone to call
them.  It seems as though people are resigned to this sort of police
behavior and pass the responsibility on to civilians, who are obliged
balance their reasons for calling the police against the possibility (or
likelihood) that someone will be choked and kicked as a result of their

Rosalind Nelson
Bancroft neighborhood
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